
Monday, July 20, 2015

Muslim Who Shot 5 Soldiers Dead in Chattanooga was "Troubled"

As you watch this ABC Report Video, notice about 35 seconds in that Brian Ross talks about the "demons that took over this young mans life."

Yep Brian!  At least you have that part correct!

Of course "demons" when spoken of by the media is referring to alcohol and drugs....but for those folks who worship the demon-god of Allah, it can take on a whole lot more meaning.

Clearly, there have been LOTS of people of drugs who had financial hardships that DIDN'T go out and murder 5 soldiers.  The media will do everything in their power to NOT say the word MUSLIM but in this case it's pretty hard to hide when the killer's name is Mohammad Youssduf Adbulazeez.

Watch the video here;

Thanks Brian for telling us that Mohammad was 'conflicted' because on the one hand he was trying to be a devout Muslim but was still using drugs and alcohol which "violates Islams teachings."

Really?  Drugs and alcohol violate Islam's teachings?

So Brian, does ISIS violate Islam's teachings too by killing people who eat during the fast of Ramadan?  Do the Muslims of Afghanistan violate Islam's teachings when they sodomize homeless boys that they dress up as women?  Do the Egyptian Muslim clerics violate Islamic teaching when they come on Egyptian TV and explain how a male should correctly beat his wife?

Here is the REAL TRUTH of what happened in Chattanooga;  Another young Muslim male was taken over by Allah who entices millions of young men all over the world to kill, rape, torture and mutilate anyone who attempts to stop or slowdown their movement of setting up the 13th Caliphate and have Islam rule the world.

One concerning aspect of this latest terrorist killing in the name of Allah is that the killer was raised right here in America!  He was on the wrestling team and seemed to be mainstreamed into American society.....until Allah called to him and he turned into a cold blooded killer.

How will our society stop other stories like this from happening?

Sadly, we won't.


Because this battle is not against flesh and blood but against the evil forces of Satan and his demons....and the Church of America is sound asleep as to HOW to fight spiritual battles...because the vast majority of folks sitting in church pews across this land don't read their Bibles.  And even many who have read them in the past simply don't believe what the book says.

Ephesians 6
12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms

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