
Monday, July 6, 2015

Turkey Plans to Invade Syria

No doubt this next article can go under the file, WARS AND RUMORS OF WAR.

Turkey has sent shock waves through the Middle East by preparing plans to send troops into Syria for the first time, turning the civil war into an international conflict on Europe’s borders.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has authorised a change in the rules of engagement agreed by the Turkish parliament to allow the army to strike at Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil), as well as the Assad regime, according to local newspapers.

The aim is to establish a buffer zone for refugees and against Isil, but Mr Erdogan has also suggested that the main target of the intervention, if it goes ahead, will be to prevent the emergence of a Kurdish state on Turkey’s doorstep.

The Syrian Kurdish militia, the YPG, has established dominance in a border strip across the north of the country in recent months.

“We will never allow the establishment of a state in Syria’s north and our south,” Mr Erdogan said at the weekend. “We will continue our fight in this regard no matter what it costs.”

Turkey has urged the creation of a buffer zone protected by international forces in the north of Syria ever since the civil war sent hundreds of thousands of refugees across the border.

That figure is approaching two million, making Turkey the single largest host of refugees of any country.

But until now it has refused to countenance “going it alone” in intervention in Syria. The plans were discussed in a meeting of the national security council last night. Following Mr Erdogan’s speech, Turkish media were briefed on new orders being given to the military to prepare to send an 18,000-strong force across the border, with some reports saying the move could take place as early as Friday.

The troops would seize a stretch of territory 60 miles long by 20 deep, including the border crossings of Jarablus, currently in Isil hands, and Aazaz, currently controlled by the Free Syrian Army (FSA) but under attack from Isil.


Turkey is a big player in the Ezekiel 38 prophecies so we have been watching them very closely  And of course they have been in the news A LOT these past few years.

Syria is also mentioned in Last Days prophecies and we are told in Isaiah 17 that one day Damascus will no longer be a city but will become a heap of ruins.

As we watch ISIS rampage, murder and rape its way across Syria and wonder how they are going to be stopped....and as we watch the government of Bashar Al-Assad weaken and Western governments continue to say they could never work with him again because he has too much blood on his hands in the killing of his own citizens....we can start to see a few different scenarios of how Isaiah 17 may be fulfilled.

Isaiah 17
A prophecy against Damascus:

“See, Damascus will no longer be a city
    but will become a heap of ruins.
The cities of Aroer will be deserted
    and left to flocks, which will lie down,
    with no one to make them afraid.

Remember, Damascus is one of the oldest, continually inhabited cities on the face of the earth.  So when God says that one day Damascus will no longer be a city, it HAS TO BE SOMETHING IN THE FUTURE.  And the fact that all eyes of the world are currently focused on Syria shouldn't surprise us as we continue to march toward the Last Days.

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