
Monday, October 5, 2015

1000 Year Rain Hits South Carolina

Not so many years ago when the meteorologists were looking for an adjective to describe a serious rain event, they would call it a "100 year flood."  A handful of years later after those 100 year floods seemed to be happening every few years they came up with a new name for epic rainfall..."a 500 year flood."

Today we find that South Carolina has had over 24 inches of rain around the Charleston area and the Governor is now calling it a "1000 year rain."

Millions of South Carolinians remained homebound Monday and many schools, government offices and businesses were closed as state emergency officials grappled with massive flooding following days of historic rains.

Rain continued to fall Monday in Columbia, Myrtle Beach and other areas of the state. At least seven weather-related deaths have been blamed on the storm, as rainfall totaling 2 feet in some areas stranded motorists and residents and forced hundreds of evacuations and rescues.

"If you're safe where you are, stay there," the state Emergency Management Division tweeted early Monday. "Flooding expected to continue in more than half the state."

The rain was forecast to continue deep into Monday in some areas. Several counties closed roads and established curfews to ensure that people stayed off the flooded roads.

The National Weather Service said rainfall totaling 6.87 inches Sunday in Columbia smashed a record set in 1959. The The two-day rainfall total of 10.44 inches also set a record. The Charleston area also set records, with at least one suburb blasted by more than 2 feet of rain since Thursday.

Gov. Nikki Haley said Sunday that South Carolina's first responders were battling flooding from rains that can be expected once in 1,000 years.

"If you are in your house, stay in your house," Haley said Sunday. "We want to save our resources for those who really need it."


Of course the "Climate Change" crowd points to the increasing floods, droughts, coldest EVER, hottest EVER, most hurricanes EVER, most tornadoes EVER, more evidence that human behavior of burning fossil fuels is causing all this wild weather.  In fact even the Pope is joining the climate change crowd!  "Climate change is a global problem with grave implications. It represents one of the principle challenges facing humanity in our day." 

Ummmm....hey Pope!  The biggest challenge facing humanity yesterday, today and tomorrow is that we are all dead in our sin and heading to hell unless we accept Christ!  What kind of false prophet are you anyway?

For those of us who read and believe our Bibles we look at the daily headlines of wars, rumors of war, mudslides, murders, deadly storms, nations falling and churches in America going dark and realize that these are the birth pangs that Jesus told us to "Watch!" for.

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