
Friday, October 9, 2015

China Heading to Syria to Fight with Russians?

We are starting to catch the news that China is sending a naval ship to Syria with 'advisers' to help out the Russians.  In the same articles the Chinese are saying that military troops are not too far behind.

After Russia sent in its elite military unit Spetsnaz to take out the Islamic State (Isis) terrorists, a report has now claimed that China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) is about to join forces in Syria.

Citing a well-placed Syrian official reported that China will be joining the Russians in the coming weeks, while some other reports claimed that the Chinese have already joined the operation.

According to WND, even as the Russian vessels launched precision-guided cruise missiles on 7 October at rebel positions from the Caspian, a "Chinese naval vessel continued to loom menacingly in the background, maintaining its presence in the Mediterranean Sea amid Chinese denials that the People's Liberation Army will enter the Syrian conflict."

Recently, the Russian media -- citing Igor Morozov, a member of the Russian Federation Committee on International Affairs -- had reported that Chinese aircraft carrier Lianoning and a guided missile cruiser were heading towards Syria.

"It is known that China has joined our military operation in Syria. The Chinese cruiser has already entered the Mediterranean, followed by its aircraft carrier," Morozov had said.


Holy Kings of the East!!  Holy escalation!!  Holy Obama!!  What the heck is Obama gonna do?

 They got the Russians pounding any crap they choose to smithereens...including the crap that WE support! You got Iranian troops fighting the same battles as Russia to support the Assad regime....and now China sends an aircraft carrier to join in the fun!!

Israel must be watching all this with amazement!!

We remember blogging close to 8 years ago about how the Russians had built a deep-water naval port in Syria and wondering how they might end up using it....well after 200,000 Syrians dead, millions of Syrians fleeing as refugees and ISIS raping and killing any who stay behind....we now know what the Russian port was for.

Just imagine if Russia, China and Iran work together to wipe out ISIS.  Putin would line them all up, dig a big pit and the Chinese would mow them down into it.  The world would be in awe of the new sheriffs in town.....and Obama with his "no boots on the ground" comments and calling ISIS the "Junior varsity" of Al Qaida' would look even weaker than people thought.

America's day in the sun may already be really close to sunset.....

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