
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Russia Confirms Terrorist's Bomb Brought Down Plane

Last week we found out that investigators were 90% sure that a terrorist bomb had brought down the Russian plane over Egypt.

Today we find out that Russia is now confirming a terrorist bomb DID bring it down.

Russia confirms Sinai plane crash was the work of terrorists

MOSCOW —Russian officials on Tuesday confirmed that the mid-air explosion of a Russian jetliner over the Sinai desert last month that killed all 224 people on board was the result of a terrorist attack.

Russia in response significantly stepped up its airstrike campaign in Syria, deploying long-range bombers from Russian soil to strike targets there, and President Vladimir V. Putin on Tuesday vowed that the culprits behind the bombing of the plane would be “found and punished.”

Putin also called for greater military collaboration in Syria with French forces launching airstrikes against the Islamic State. Putin and French President Francois Hollande are set to meet next week following a spate of recent terrorist attacks, including one in France that left 129 dead.

At a meeting with Putin, Federal Security Service head Alexander Bortnikov said that traces of explosives found in the plane’s wreckage indicated that an improvised explosive device was detonated on board.

The statement marked the first time Russian authorities have verified that the crash was the work of terrorists. Western leaders, including President Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron, said just days after the Oct. 31 tragedy that a bomb may have been responsible.

An affiliate of the Islamic State claimed responsibility for the plane crash in the days following the attack, although the claim could not immediately be verified.

“We can say conclusively that this was a terrorist act,” Bortnikov said Tuesday, according to an official transcript of the briefing.


Good golly!  The work of terrorists??  What kind of terrorists??  Were they Nazi terrorists?  Japanese kamikaze terrorists?  Lutheran terrorists?

"Well Dennis, the media doesn't want to use the word Muslim or Islam because it is offensive to the Muslims who aren't terrorists and we don't want any body to feel bad." how is the world supposed to fight Islamic terrorism when we can't even successfully name who are enemies are?

Did all the Nazis actually believe that all Jews deserved to die and that a supreme Aryan race was supposed to dominate the world?  Nope!  But we still said we are at war with the Nazis.

Did all the Japanese believe their leader was a god?  Nope!  But we still nuked two cities in Japan because we needed to stop Imperial Japan and their goals.

Friends, we all know who the terrorists are who brought down the Russian plane.  They are some form of Muslims and probably affiliated with Islamic State and/or Al Qaeda.

Now one wonders if this revelation of ISIS bringing down a Russian plane will further put hooks into the jaws of Russia's leader and draw him out into the Middle East?

Interesting times!!!

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