
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

ISIS Threatens Israel

The Bible tells us that in the Last Days Jews will be back in their land.  They are.

It also says they will grow increasingly isolated by the rest of the world.  They are.

It warns that Jerusalem will be in the news every day.  It is.

It tell us that Israel will accept the Antichrist as peace diplomat.  They are being prepared.

It tells us that Israel will be surrounded by enemies that seek to destroy the nation and kill the Jews. That's exactly what is happening.

Then Jesus tells his followers that we are supposed to WATCH the events transpiring on earth and tells us that those who ARE watching for His return will get a special blessing.

Luke 12:37
It will be good for those servants whose master finds them watching when he comes. Truly I tell you, he will dress himself to serve, will have them recline at the table and will come and wait on them.

It should be no surprise to any of my readers that if ISIS isn't defeated or slowed down, they will one day turn their eyes upon Israel and bring their demonic, Islamic battle plans to the nation of Israel.

Islamic State (ISIS) leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has directly threatened Israel in a new audio message, saying the attacks was planning to attack the Jewish State.

In the 24-minute audio released by ISIS on Saturday, al-Baghdadi lashes out at his enemies threatening action against them, and says that his self-styled “caliphate” is doing well despite an unprecedented alliance against it, and criticizing the recently announced Saudi-led Islamic military coalition against terrorism.

He threatened Israel by saying, “we haven’t forgotten you” and “we are getting closer to you” every day.

“God caused the Jews of the world to gather in Israel, and the war against them has become easy. It is the obligation of every Muslim to carry out Jihad,” he declared.

“Jews, you will not enjoy in Palestine. God has gathered you in Palestine so that the Mujahadeen [holy warriors] can reach you soon and you will hide by the rock and the tree. Palestine will be your graveyard,” he said.

Al-Baghdadi said airstrikes by the international coalition only increase his group’s determination and resolve. The message was al-Baghdadi’s first since May, and comes amid battlefield setbacks that ISIS has recently faced in Syria and Iraq.

“It is unprecedented in the history of our Ummah (Islamic nation) that all the world came against it in one battle, as it is happening today. It is the battle of all the disbelievers against all the Muslims,” al-Baghdadi said.

He said the US-led alliance does “not scare us… nor do they scatter our resolve because we are the victors in any event.”

Al-Baghdadi also taunted the United States for not putting boots on the ground. “They do not dare to come, because their hearts are full of fear from the mujahideen,” he said.

“America and its allies dream of destroying the caliphate through their proxies and henchmen, and whenever an alliance of theirs fails or a tail is cut, they hasten to establish another, until they recently declared the Salouli (Saudi) alliance that was falsely called Islamic,” al-Baghdadi added.


Jesus tells us that when the events start to happen that point to His soon return that everything will go a snowball rolling down a hill, or like a flash flood.  If and when ISIS starts shooting missiles into Israel, the snowball may pick up substantial speed.

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