
Monday, December 28, 2015

U.S. Doomsday Plan

Over the years we have blogged numerous times on what would happen to America if our electricity went out.  Suffice it to say, it would be a game changer.

The US is at an ever growing risk of a cyber attacks, with energy infrastructure likely to be hackers' prime target.

This was the stark warning made by General Keith Alexander, the retired general and former chief of the National Security Agency, earlier this year.

Now, the Pentagon says it has a plan to do something about the threat.

Its research division, Darpa, has launched a new program to target security threats that have the potential to wipe out all of America's power systems. 

Initially, however, it will focus on infrastructure that is vital to the Department of Defense's missions.
Dubbed Rapid Attack Detection, Isolation and Characterization (RADICS), its goal is to develop automated systems to deal with a loss of power.

They say these systems should help utilities engineers restore power within seven days of an attack.

Finally, the RADICS will research systems that can localise and characterise malicious software.

'The greatest risk is a catastrophic attack on the energy infrastructure. We are not prepared for that,' General Keith Alexander said earlier this year.  

He envisioned a worst case-scenario where hackers targeted oil refineries, power stations, and the electric grid. The payments nexus of the major banks could also be paralysed he warned. 


These articles shouldn't make us fearful as Jesus told us not to be fearful.  But they should wake us up to the reality that life, as we know it, could be turned upside down in an instant.  God will sustain this nation as long as it serves HIS purposes.  When He is done with America...then our time will be up.

Our faith should be in God and God alone....not governments or systems made by man...which ALWAYS fail.

Psalm 33:12
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people he chose for his inheritance.

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