
Monday, January 18, 2016

62 People Control 1/2 of World's Wealth

I'm a capitalist.  Human nature dictates that people need some incentive to get up out of bed everyday and try to better themselves.  Socialism has always ended in death and misery for those living under it.

But something has gone very wrong with the rich folks gathering wealth over these past 50 years.

It used to be that the owner of a successful U.S. company could expect to earn 10-15 times more than his workers.  Now they demand to make 1000 times more.


Greed and a total lack of Biblical world view.

Just 62 people own as much as the poorest half of the world's population put together, according to a report by Oxfam.

The finding has sparked calls for urgent action to tackle the mounting "inequality crisis".

The aid charity said in 2010 the total wealth of the 388 richest people was needed to equal the poorest half of the world, but that number fell to 80 last year and stands at 62 now.

The Oxfam report, published ahead of the World Economic Forum in the Swiss ski resort of Davos, also said the wealth of the richest 1% - around 73 million out of the world's 7.3 billion people - was now as much as everyone else on the planet combined.

World leaders, including David Cameron, are being urged by Oxfam to clampdown on tax-dodging by the rich, which it said was depriving poorer countries of cash that could be spent on education, health, and measures to combat poverty.


Of course the world's ONLY answer is to try and tax the rich people and close up all the loopholes to force them to pay more money.

Of course that won't work.

The problem is a problem of the human heart.  It's wicked....and all the laws in the world aren't going to fix that.  The human heart is beyond cure.

Jeremiah 17:9
The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?

It has been said that if you took all the wealth in the world and distributed it equally to every person on planet earth that within just a few generations all the once wealthy folks would be wealthy again and the poor would be poor again.  I believe it.

Did you see all the poor people spending their last few dollars on lottery tickets last week?

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