
Saturday, January 2, 2016

Even Their Women Get Perverse

We haven't written about this in a while, but we believe the Bible gives a hint as to when a society might be at the end of itself.  It's when EVEN THE WOMEN of that society grow perverse.

Have you noticed how many dozens and hundreds of female teachers have been caught enticing young boys to have sex with them in the last handful of years?

In what crazy world does a 45 year old woman fantasize about having sex with an 11 year old boy? America?

A Florida woman who pleaded guilty to soliciting an 11-year-old boy killed herself after setting an apartment fire early Sunday, police said.

Onetime Lakeland teacher’s aide Alecia Dotson, 45, admitted she tried toarrange a sex romp at a movie theater with the fifth-grader after police found over 100 sexually graphic texts between them in June, according to court documents cited by WFLA-TV.

Dotson had been facing 10 years to life in federal prison and was scheduled to be sentenced next year. She was found dead from a single gunshot wound in a unit neighboring the apartment where the fire broke out in the Tampa-area town around 1:15 a.m., according to the Lakeland Fire Department.


And another teacher in Texas:

A Texas teacher was caught having sexual relations with two underage students when one teen told his dad about the sex after learning the educator had gone on a “hike” at a secluded park with another boy, authorities say.

Haeli Wey, 28, was fired in October from Westlake High School in Austin and arrested this week on the felony charges for sex that began back in August, police said.

Wey had sex with that teen, a friend of her family, some 10 times after meeting at a student ministry program in June, court documents say. She cozied up enough with the boy that she was invited along to a family trip to Africa during the summer, the docs, obtained by the Austin American Stateman, reveal.


The list goes on and on....

When Apostle Paul tells us in Romans 1 that EVEN THEIR WOMEN....we wonder if that is exactly what we are seeing happen in America today?  We have become so saturated in a sex culture that even our women have turned to perverts.

26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones.

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