
Friday, January 8, 2016

Gunman Tries to Execute Cop in Philadelphia

If this all turns out to be's pretty interesting.

It's being reported that a dude walked up to a police officer in Philadelphia and shot at him 13 times.  It's amazing the officer is alive.  It was an execution attempt.

The dude is in custody and said he did it in the name of Islam.

Upon hearing this the mayor of Philadelphia blamed the murder attempt on "too many guns".

Wow!  Nothing about Islam??  Just blame the guns?

Last night, Edward Archer tried to kill a police officer in West Philadelphia by firing 13 rounds into his car, striking him three times in the arm in what police call an "attempted assassination."

"This guy tried to execute a police officer," said Philadelphia's new police commissioner, Richard Ross. "The police officer had no idea he was coming. It's amazing he's alive."

The suspect was apprehended and reportedly made a full confession. The Washington Post reports:

Ross said during a later news conference that the suspect confessed to the shooting and said he did it "in the name of Islam."

Police also said that the attacker told authorities he pledged allegiance to the Islamic State, the militant group that has declared a caliphate in parts of Iraq and Syria.

The gun used in the shooting was a stolen police firearm, Ross said.

Police have not mentioned a specific motive and won't yet say if they're investigating the incident as terrorism.

Among the newly-inaugurated mayor of Philadelphia Jim Kenney's first comments about the attack were that "there are just too many guns on the streets and I think our national government needs to do something about that," as reported in a Christian Science Monitor piece about using the shooting as part of the "national conversation" about guns.

The district attorney, Seth Williams, also appeared to use the attack to push his agenda on guns. "This shows us the need for smarter laws when it relates to guns on the street," Williams said. "My office is going to do all that we can to ensure the defendant is held accountable to the fullest extent of the law."

It's unclear whether Williams will explore how the police firearm was stolen in the first place and whether anyone at the police department responsible for not getting guns stolen might face some kind of responsibility, criminal or otherwise.


No wonder gun sales across the country have gone through the roof since Obama took office!  People are getting concerned about the delusion that is happening to the liberals/Democrats in this country.

They refuse to believe that Islam has a terrorist problem, they think black guns are more dangerous than brown ones, they believe marriage can be anything you want it to be, they think men can become women anytime they choose, and that humans aren't worthy of protection until they leave their mother's wombs.....

Makes one wonder if the delusion has already started in the liberal party?

2 Thessalonians 2
11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.

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