
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Iranian President Asks Pope to Pray for Him

"Hey Dennis!  Isn't this a wonderful story of how love, tolerance and acceptance can lead to such spiritual harmony!  Let's sing now...."Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me....let there be peace on earth and sing in sweet harmony....", I won't sing with you because the crazy Pope and Mohammed worshiper from Iran are playing cozy!

We aren't exactly sure WHO the Pope may pray to if he honors the Iranian President's request?  Is that a prayer he should send to St Thomas, St Patrick, St Albert or who?  Who is the Catholic Saint of the Muslims?  Is it that one you are supposed to bury in your yard when you go to sell your house??

As Iran's president faces controversies ranging from his country's secretive nuclear program to its support of terror and alleged human rights abuses, he had a simple request for Pope Francis on Tuesday: "Pray for me."

Hassan Rouhani's visit to the Holy See saw the first meeting between a pope and an Iranian president since 1999. Iran, which agreed to limit its nuclear activities in exchange for an end to economic sanctions, is eager to carve out a bigger role in mediating Middle East conflicts. Francis' papacy has been marked by mediation and conflict resolution.

Rouhani brought a gift of a hand-made rug. He told the pope the red-toned carpet was made in the Iranian holy city of Qhom.

The Iranian leader is on a four-day European swing to boost Iran's image abroad as well as to rehabilitate economic ties with a continent that had been a big trade partner before sanctions.

"I ask you to pray for me," Rouhani told Francis after their 40-minute meeting. He called the visit by the leader of a Muslim country to the head of the Roman Catholic church "a real pleasure."

Francis thanked Rouhani for the visit and added: "I hope for peace." He gave the Iranian a medal depicting St. Martin helping a poor man, an act Francis called "a sign of unsolicited brotherhood."


Ohhhh!!!'s St Martin who is the patron saint you pray to for the Muslims!!  So good to know!! (huge dose of sarcasm)

Friends, this Pope is convincing us more every day that if the Rapture were to happen soon, this Pope Francis would be the number one contender for FALSE PROPHET.

And how many people are in YOUR CHURCH who would read this article and say, "Oh that's just wonderful!  The world needs more peacemakers like these two courageous men!"

Satan appears to be pulling more and more strings every single day.  The deception is going to get worse.  True followers of Christ are going to be tested as even your friends and family will turn on you as you cling to the Word of God and defend it against all attackers.

I was reminded of this acronym today;  BIBLE= Basic, Instruction, Before, Leaving, Earth.

Are you ready to leave earth?  Are you excited about it, sad about it or filled with anxiety over it?

Can you explain your answer to yourself?  Can you explain it to others?

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