
Thursday, January 7, 2016

Pope Criticizes Charlie Hebdo

I know we just posted on the Pope but we are going to have to do it again.

As you know the Paris magazine, Charlie Hebdo, was attacked one year ago by Muslim terrorists who were upset that the magazine had mocked Muhammad.  I think 10-20 were murdered when Muslims walked into the building and started shooting.

People in FREE countries can say pretty much anything they want about Jesus, God, Buddha, Vishnu, Hercules, Peter Pan, Mohammad, Allah, trolls, elves, Unicorns and Mother Earth!  If you don't like that idea then please, STAY IN YOUR MUSLIM ENCLAVES AND DON'T READ ANYTHING THAT COMES FROM WESTERN CIVILIZATIONS.

So in memory of the 1 year attack on Charlie Hebdo magazine, the editors made another cover that mocked Muhammad in some way, shape or form.  Yes, THEY CAN DO THAT!!  IT'S FRANCE!!

But now the Pope seems to be siding with the offended Muslims....

VATICAN CITY - The Vatican newspaper has criticized French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo for depicting God as a Kalashnikov-carrying killer, saying it was "woeful" and disrespectful to true believers of all faiths.

The cover was an anniversary edition, commemorating the attacks a year ago when Islamist militants killed 12 during an assault on the Charlie Hebdo newsroom in Paris. The cartoon on the cover shows an angry God with blood on his hands and a rifle strapped to his back.

"One year later, the assassin is still on the run," the headline says.

The Vatican daily newspaper L'Osservatore Romano accused Charlie Hebdo of looking to "manipulate" faith.

"Behind the deceptive flag of an uncompromising secularism, the French weekly once again forgets what religious leaders of every faith have been urging for ages - to reject violence in the name of religion and that using God to justify hatred is a genuine blasphemy," it wrote in a short commentary.

"Charlie Hebdo's move shows the sad paradox of a world which is increasingly sensitive about being politically correct to the point of being ridiculous ... but does not want to recognize or respect believers' faith in God, regardless of their religion."

Charlie Hebdo, known for its satirical covers lampooning political and religious leaders, lost many of its top editorial staff when Islamist militants broke into an editorial meeting on Jan. 7, 2015, and opened fire.

After that attack, Pope Francis took issue with Charlie Hebdo's anti-religious stance.

"You can't provoke, you can't insult the faith of others, you can't make fun of faith," he told reporters during an Asian tour. The Vatican later issued a statement that said the pope's comments were not intended as a justification for the attacks.


Hey Pope!  Are you insane??  People make fun of Christians and Bible believers EVERY SINGLE DAY on Twitter, Facebook and all sorts of liberal magazines and papers, BUT YOU DON'T SEE US RUNNING AROUND KILLING PEOPLE!

Nope!  That job is left to the Muslims.

You see, Satan doesn't like people looking too closely at a religion that he designed.

If one takes even  a cursory look into Islam, you will quickly see errant holes you could drive a truck through.  The religion is filled with contradictions and errors plus it stole some things out of the Bible that had been completed some 700-2700 years earlier, and twisted them....just like Satan does.

The Pope may not have meant to justify the Muslim attacks in Paris....but that's, no doubt, how lots of Muslims are going to take it....

"Yeah!!  Even the Pope said you can't provoke us or insult us!  Death to those who insult the prophet Mohammad!  Death to those who make fun of us!  We will rape your women, slit your throats and take your countries right out from under you!  The 13th Caliphate will win!  Islam will rule the world!"

Hey, one other thing to point out...let's read the first sentence of this article again;
The Vatican newspaper has criticized French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo for depicting God as a Kalashnikov-carrying killer, saying it was "woeful" and disrespectful to true believers of all faiths. we have the Vatican lumping all "true believers of all faiths" into the same clan.  Yes, this may tie in with my previous post that points to the Pope as one day being The False Prophet and the Vatican serving as one of the headquarters for The One World Religion.

Think about it....I was no more offended by the Charlie Hebdo cover I saw yesterday than the man in the moon....but yet the Vatican says that because I'm a true-believer in Jesus that I should be offended equally as much as the Muslims whose prophet the cover lampooned.

This plays into their false belief that WE ALL WORSHIP THE SAME GOD.

Another lie straight from the pit of hell.

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