
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Wheaton College Fires Professor

Any of my readers know that it's not possible for Muslims to be praying to the God that Christians pray to.


Because Christians pray to Jesus Christ, the ONLY way to salvation who also created everything seen and unseen in the universe.  "Through Him ALL THINGS WERE MADE."

Muslims mention a man named Jesus in their Koran....but he was just a dude who walked on earth for a while, was a prophet who was less than Mohammad and who died at some point.


Well, it turns out Wheaton College has some tenured, lady professor that wanted to show solidarity with her Muslim friends because she believes they all worship the same god.

Wheaton strongly disagrees and has made the decision to fire her.

Wheaton College, an evangelical Christian university outside of Chicago, said on Tuesday it was taking steps to fire a tenured political science professor after she wrote in a Facebook post that Muslims and Christians worship the same God.

Dr. Larycia Hawkins wrote on the social media site on Dec. 10 that she was donning the hijab head scarf during the period of advent before Christmas as a sign of solidarity with Muslims. In her post she said "we worship the same God."

Hawkins was placed on administrative leave after the comment drew criticism, and on Tuesday the school said in a statement Wheaton's provost had delivered a notice to President Philip Ryken recommending her employment be terminated.

"This Notice follows the impasse reached by the parties," the statement said. "Dr. Hawkins declined to participate in further dialogue about the theological implications of her public statements," it said.

Here is Huffington Post article above;

A professor at a Chicago-area Christian college said Wednesday that administrators were wrong in taking steps to fire her after she asserted that Christians and Muslims worship the same God.

Larycia Hawkins told reporters she met with Wheaton College administrators several times and provided statements explaining her beliefs, which she believes are line up with the college's mission. She said she was initially told further discussion wasn't needed but college officials then changed requirements, saying her tenure would be revoked while she would have to participate in two years of conversations.

Hawkins spoke Wednesday surrounded by religious leaders, including the Rev. Jesse Jackson.

Wheaton College said it placed Hawkins on administrative leave in December because of theological statements "that seem inconsistent with Wheaton College's doctrinal convictions, which she voluntarily agreed to support and uphold when she entered into an employment agreement with the college."

Hawkins began to wear a hijab to show solidarity with Muslims, whom she felt were being persecuted in the wake of the San Bernardino shooting and the terror attacks in Paris. She told reporters last month her actions were “motivated by a desire to live out my faith.”

“I stand in religious solidarity with Muslims because they, like me, a Christian, are people of the book,” she posted on Facebook. “And as Pope Francis stated last week, we worship the same God.”

The school insists that is not why she was placed on leave.

The college said it has had frank conversations with Hawkins on doctrinal issues as it pursued the possibility of reconciliation with her but that "Hawkins has stated clearly her unwillingness to participate in such further clarifying conversations."

Here is the Fox News article above;

Holy big name!!  Even Jessie Jackson has showed up in Chicago for this hullaballu!

Please pray for Wheaton college and their leaders.  A storm of cow manure is going to come raining down on their heads and it's probably going to come from all directions including their own students!!

Pray that they would stand firm that Jesus WILL NOT SHARE THE STAGE when any second-rate, demonic liar who claims to be a prophet but was just a delusional pervert.

Pray that Muslims would continue to leave their lost, road to destruction and exchange it for the free grace that ONLY Jesus can offer.

The battle is at hand.  Whose side are you on?

"Wide is the road that leads to destruction and many will be on it." --Jesus

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