
Friday, February 19, 2016

Confrontation Coming With China?

China is flexing its muscles as it continues to manufacture sand bars in the South China Sea and then claims them as "territory" and then lays claim to the oceans around the sand bar as National Waters.

Of course this has disturbed many nations like Japan, Philippines, and Viet Nam.

USA has reportedly sent Navy ships into the area to continue sailing through these International Waters....realizing that if we cease sailing there it will become a "use it or lose it" situation.

The disputed waters are home to shipping lanes where some $5 trillion of merchandise flow through every year.

China has deployed anti-aircraft missiles on a disputed South China Sea island in a major escalation of tensions with the United States over the world’s most lucrative shipping lanes.

Taiwan’s defence ministry told The Telegraph that it has confirmed the existence of the missiles on an island in the Paracel chain that are occupied by Beijing but also claimed by Taipei and Vietnam.
Commercial satellite photographs obtained by Fox News appeared to show that Beijing has placed two batteries of eight missile launchers with a reported distance of 125 miles and radar-targeting equipment on Woody island.

A US official later told the New York Times that the Pentagon also has “evidence”, believed to be satellite imagery, that the Chinese military has deployed surface-to-air missiles on the island.
China later appeared to defended the installation at a regular media briefing. Hong Lei, a foreign ministry spokesman, said that while he was not aware of the specifics of a missile deployment, any armaments would be used for defence and were not part of a military build-up.

China’s foreign minister Wang Yi dodged questions when asked about the reports at a press conference, criticising the Western media for the “creation” of news stories. 

President Xi Jinping has previously pledged not to “militarise” the region. But the missiles represented a significant new stage in Beijing’s claim on the 1.35 million-square-mile waters through which ships carrying $5 trillion of international trade pass each year.

The reports of the deployment pose a fresh challenge from Beijing to Barack Obama who had struck a defiant tone over the South China Seas just a few hours earlier at the end of a summit with leaders of South East Asian nations.

To Beijing’s fury, the US has sent Navy ships and Air Force planes on patrols across the waterways recently in a signal that it does not recognise China’s claim.

“The United States will continue to fly, sail and operate wherever international law allows,” Mr Obama said in California before the news of the missiles emerged.

He called for “tangible steps to lower tensions including a halt to further reclamation, new construction and militarisation of disputed areas”.


Ouch!!  Missiles deployed?  Tough talk?  US Navy heading that way to?

Oh yes, and please remember that China's economy is in a miserable situation BUT THEY OWN HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS IN USA DEBT!!

In essence, USA has been borrowing money from China so that we can afford our massive military expenditures.

Is it just me?....or does the world seem like its heading into a massive the nations rage.

Acts 4:25 
You spoke by the Holy Spirit through the mouth of your servant, our father David: “‘Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain?

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