
Monday, February 15, 2016

Going Cashless Builds Steam

I'm going to blogging from my iPad for the next few days and it's not as easy to type and edit from as my I will be brief in my comments.

In the past few weeks Norway and Sweden had major banks who expressed an interest in making their societies cashless.  This push is going to continue and may start to happen really fast.

There is a global movement to ban the usage of paper currency. The war on cash has been waged by the mainstream media, government leaders and banking institutions. We’ve all heard propaganda that says cash is dirtied by drug dealing, terrorism, money laundering, and tax evasion. 
A few days ago, Norway’s largest bank, DNB, jumped aboard the cashless society bandwagon by calling for a total end to cash. Norway has already been moved in that direction. Research polls show that only about 6 percent of Norwegians use cash on a daily basis. Several banks in Norway no longer offer cash in their branch offices. 
DNB must be working for Big Brother because it cited the lack of government control as a key reason why we need to go cashless. According to the DNB bank’s executive Trond Bentestuen: 
“Today, there is approximately 50 billion kroner in circulation and [the country’s central bank] Norges Bank can only account for 40 percent of its use. That means that 60 percent of money usage is outside of any control. We believe that is due to under-the-table money and laundering.” 
It wasn’t long ago that the average man on the street would be upset by the news that the government had the power to track the financial transaction of all its citizens. Today, people are all too willing to give up their personal freedoms to please the government. After the Homeland Security Act allowed federal agents to snoop into our bank accounts, the stage was set for the monitoring of all financial transactions. 
It is increasingly argued that high denomination notes make it easier for criminals to smuggle and hide large sums of cash. Rob Wainwright, director of Europol at a London on terrorism, said the 500-euro note, the $100 U.S. note, Switzerland’s 1,000-franc note and Britain’s 50-pound note should be eliminated to make it harder for evil doers to transfer funds. 
I think the worry over large bills is a bunch of nonsense. There was a time when American banks had available $500, $1,000, $5,000, and $10,000 notes. When the $10,000 note circulated, it was worth twice the annual income of most Americans. There was no talk of it being too convenient for criminals. The concern over the higher denominations is so silly, it’s clear that some other agenda is at work. 
The greatest factor that is driving the world toward a cashless monetary system is the massive debt that nations have accumulated. Fiat money is based on the endless expansion of debt. Unfortunately, there is a point where the numbers become so large they can no longer be managed. Just printing currency becomes a major problem. 
The printing of money becomes very difficult when the numbers reach into the billions and trillions. Venezuela’s currency, the Bolivar, is rapidly dropping in value. To keep up with hyperinflation, President Nicolás Maduro has ordered the printing of five billion bank notes. Because the money was printed outside the country, it had to be flown in on three-dozen 747 cargo planes. 
The total currency (actual cash in the form of bills and coins) in the U.S. financial system is a little over $1.36 trillion. In order for the U.S. to print $1 trillion in $100 notes, it would take 100 semi-trailers to move this amount of currency. 
The U.S. debt reached the point where it doubles with each presidency. When George W. Bush entered the White House in 2001, our debt stood at $5 trillion. When President Bush left office in January of 2009, it had increased to $10 trillion. By the time Barack Obama leaves office, the Federal debt will be at $20 trillion. 
If we go from $20 to $40 trillion, there wouldn’t be enough cotton in Georgia to produce the banknotes needed to manage the increase in the money supply. Since we don’t want to tempt those drug dealers and terrorists by adding zeros to our bank notes; a cashless system seems to be inevitable in the future. 
Anyone who is a student of Bible prophecy should recognize that the cashless system we are moving toward is the long predicted mark of the beast. The Antichrist 666 identification is a fearful thing because all who freely take the mark will be condemned to hell, and all who reject it will be locked out of the banking system. It is my hope that the readers of this article have their trust in Jesus and are ready to escape this corrupt financial system. 
“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name” (Rev.13:16-17).

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