
Thursday, February 25, 2016

Masters of Deceit

We all know that Satan is the prince of this world.  We also know that he is the prince of the powers of the air.  Evidence of his evil is all around us.  Greed, child porn, beheading, Jew-hatred, perversion, demon-worship, etc....

So how come most of us Americans have experienced a pretty decent life?

Did you ever stop to think that MAYBE the reason that planet earth is as civil as it is in the VERY LAST DAYS is because America is the restraining force that holds back Satan's plan of a global government based on communism?

Prophecy guru, Jan Markell, had a guest on her radio show last Saturday.  Listen to him if you can by going to or get the free app, OnePlace and listen to her on your SmartPhone.

Now check out the trailer for the movie that her guest made called AGENDA 2:  MASTERS OF DECEIT


Here is some of what Jan Markell had to say in her email today.  It sure seems as if the world is getting ready to receive her Antichrist.

Thank you Jesus that you will slay him with one word from your mouth when you return to rule and reign just 7 years after Antichrist is revealed!  What a day that will be!

There is an agenda going on. Since the beginning of time there has been a conflict between good and evil. But now the agenda is so precarious that a new film says America is at the most vulnerable time since the Revolutionary War. When there is vulnerability, people become afraid, and then they ask government to do more.


1)  Children must be made into useful idiots through public education. They must have the collectivist mindset. And with Bill Ayers & Co writing curriculum, they stand no chance. Children are being held captive.

2)  Create dependency! Dictatorship always follows dependency.  That's the goal of dependency. 

3)  Socialize medicine.  But it is not about healthcare, it is about tyranny.  Ration care--particularly withhold from those who don't follow the party line.

4)  Infiltrate the political parties. The Left has now been taken over, although your average Democrat still thinks they are voting for Harry Truman or JFK.  

5)  Make people long for Socialism, but Socialism never works--only Marxism works as it will be enforced with the barrel of a gun.

6)  Emphasize that taxing the rich is good for a country and that it will stimulate the economy. It never does.

7)  Invade the seminaries and divinity schools. Corrupt them with the Leftist agenda. Get them to focus on "social justice" and saving the planet. Get the focus off of saving souls.

8)  Invade the World and National Council of Churches and subvert evangelicalism.  Get them all to worship the gospel of environmentalism.  

9)  Honor Gorbachev's "Green Cross" even though he destroyed the environment in the Soviet Union. He will save America's environment, nonetheless. Gorbachev is really all about big government, a bigger U.N. and much less freedom.

10.) Pretend there is always a crisis and then never let a good crisis go to waste. But there may not really be a crisis.

11.)  Exalt the United Nations and its off-shoots like "Agenda 21."

12.) Come up with an "Earth Charter" and an "Ark of Hope" that resembles the Ark of the Covenant. Place gifts in this and treat it as sacred.

13.)  Make sure the "village" (government) raises the children and in the process, destroy the family and all views of traditional marriage.  Promote obscenity and immorality.

14.) Promote change and a new society.  

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