
Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Muslims Plan for Their Messiah

The demonically led rapists and murderers of ISIS are expecting the Islamic Messiah to come soon.  He is known as the Mahdi. ISIS is made up of Sunni Muslims. They believe global chaos will bring about his return and they want to be agents of chaos to spur his return.

The apocalyptic regime in Iran, (whom Obama just appeased) is also expecting an Islamic messiah to come soon.  He is also known as the Mahdi. Iran is made up of mostly Shi'ite Muslims.  They believe global chaos will bring his return and they want to help make the chaos.

So why is Iran is currently fighting in Syria alongside the Russians trying to exterminate ISIS if they are both wanting the same thing?'s complicated.....

Read on.....

The Islamic Mahdi is eagerly awaited by various sects of Muslims around the world, but most notably ISIS and Iranian leaders. Both share the belief in the establishment of a global Islamic state and in the annihilation of non-Muslim nations. And both are actively working towards the fulfillment of the prophecies that would see the Mahdi rule the world.

While there are differences about the details of who he is and what he will do, both share the belief in the establishment of a global Islamic state under his rule and in the annihilation of non-Muslim nations. And both are actively working towards the fulfillment of the prophecies that would see the Mahdi rule the world.

As Dr. Majid Rafizadeh further explains in his recent analysis for, these apocalyptic Muslims also believe that this is The End for non-Muslims. As such, Muslims should prepare the world for the coming of the Imam Mahdi (also known as Muhammad al Mahdi) who would establish global Islamic rule and eradicate non-Muslims.

Apocalyptic Muslims have long believed that the appearance of the Mahdi would coincide with a civil war in the lands of sham [Syria], which will destroy the country. In addition, Iraq will be in engulfed with domestic military conflict. They also believe that other non-Muslims will become vulnerable to Muslims and Islamic rulers.

It's interesting to note all the developments that have been taking place especially over the past few years, encouraging and lending credence to the beliefs and hopes of apocalyptic Muslims. But who exactly is this Mahdi expected to be?

According to Dr. Rafizadeh, the Shiite clerics of Iran believe that Mahdi is the child of Muhammad, the hidden Imam and the twelfth Imam. They argue that Muhammad al- Mahdi was born thousands of years ago and disappeared to reappear later when certain signs emerge. On the other hand, the apocalyptic Muslim leaders of the Islamic State believe that Mahdi has not yet been born but this is the time that he will appear in the world.

More importantly, anyone who rules the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Islamic State (currently Khamenei and Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi) considers himself as the only true representative of Imam Mahdi on earth, so long as the Mahdi remains hidden.

This belief is hinged on prophecies attributed to the prophet Muhammed: "Even if the entire duration of the world's existence has already been exhausted and only one day is left before Doomsday, Allah will expand that day to such length of time as to accommodate the kingdom of a person from my Ahlul-Bayt [family of Muhammad] who will be called by my name..."

Neither Iran nor ISIS is passively waiting around for this outcome; rather they are actively and aggressively pushing for its speedy realization. As Michael Kaplan for recently reported, Iran has prepared almost 200,000 young men in countries across the Middle East to help with the arrival of the Mahdi, according to Iranian Revolutionary Guard commander Maj. Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari.


Hey!....wait a second....could this dude, the Mahdi, actually be the the dude that Revelation says will come sailing in on the white horse of peace but end up deceiving the the Antichrist?

Remember friends, the Antichrist will not be revealed until after the rapture of the church.  The restraining force of the Holy Spirit is what is currently holding him back.  And when the Holy Spirit filled humans of earth are taken away with the voice of the archangel and the trumpet call of God....crazy, crazy stuff will happen on planet earth!  Everything from Revelation 4 on will happen after the Rapture.

Author Joel Richardson believes the Antichrist will be a Muslim.

Book of Daniel says the Antichrist will come from the Romans because they are the ones who destroyed the Temple in 70 AD.

Richardson says it was Arab soldiers in the Roman army who were actually given the task of destroying the Temple in 70 AD.

Others say the Antichrist will have to be Jewish since, if he wasn't, he would never be allowed to sit in the 3rd Temple and declare himself to be God.

What if he ends up being a Muslim whose mother was Jewish?  Would that work?

All we know for sure is that there are hundreds of millions of Muslims who want the Jews and Christians all killed and they are working hard for the day when their Messiah will return and kill everyone who ISIS and Iran haven't killed already.

This whole Muslim mess is not going to end well!  I don't care how many COEXIST stickers you plant on the bumper of your Prius.....those stickers will not stop a horde of passionate, hate-filled Muslims with a death wish and a desire to see Allah and the Mahdi take over planet earth.

Can I remind you of one other thing?  We know that Mohammad/Satan/Koran stole things from the Bible and twisted them for their own demonic purposes.  Revelation tells us that one day Jesus will return and slaughter all the people who haven't accepted him.  His robe will be splattered with blood and the blood will flow to the depth of a horse's bridle.  I'm guessing Islam stole this passage and twisted it to say Mahdi was going to return to slaughter all the Jews and Christians.

The huge difference is that Jesus reminds his follower to NOT TAKE VENGEANCE because He tells us that "Vengeance is mine!"  Followers of Christ don't want to kill anyone.  True followers of Muhammad and Allah seem to want to kill lots of people themselves!  We witness it everyday with suicide bombings.

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