
Friday, February 12, 2016

Trump's Ban on Muslims

As most of us know Donald Trump called for a temporary ban on letting Muslim refugees come flooding into America until Congress can figure out "what the hell is going on."

Of course the liberals and the media went ballistic and made fun of The Donald in every conceivable way they could. They simply couldn't say the word "ridiculous" any more than they did.

But did The Donald actually make a good suggestion?  Europe is imploding because of all the Islamic refugees they let flood in.  Isn't the President of the United States sworn to protect us against all enemies....foreign AND domestic?

Trump's call to ban the entry of Muslims to the U.S. seemed to indicate that it should be temporary, until the American leadership has figured out what in the complex reality of the Muslim world – religious, political, economic, cultural, and so on– contributes to turning a significant portion of Muslims into jihadi operatives at war with the United States.

Despite numerous terrorist attacks carried out by extremist Muslims inside the United States, Americans have not turned against their Muslim neighbors; on the contrary, Americans and Europeans in general have continued to be accommodating, tolerant, even protective, of Muslims in their midst, in keeping with their secular and liberal democratic values.

Americans have watched the unabated spread of terrorism and warfare in the name of Islam; the intensity of hatred in Muslim countries directed towards the United States; the attacks on Americans by extremist Muslims, and the betrayals by Muslim countries that have been receiving American assistance, such as Pakistan.

The elite in Muslim-majority states is mostly, if not entirely, responsible for the wretched state of affairs that has left those states at the bottom of the list of countries when measured in terms of economic development, human rights, gender equality, education, freedom and democracy.

For the elite in third world societies, a getaway to America has meant a readily available exit to avoid being held accountable for their misdeeds.

Herein lies the irony of a Trump's proposed ban: it would greatly affect the Muslim elite and, consequently, compel them to begin taking responsibility for how they have mismanaged their societies and impoverished their people.


Wow!  Islam really is a blight on the planet.  It breeds ignorance, corruption and mayhem everyplace it goes.

HOW CAN THE LIBERALS be so blind to this reality?

The only thing we can propose is that the DELUSION has started.  Those people who have rejected Jesus Christ are simply losing their ability to connect the dots and to think logically.

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