
Monday, February 22, 2016

World is Unraveling, Jesus is Coming

Jan Markell and many others have repeated a great saying, "The world is falling apart, everything is falling into place."

I have mentioned to many people in conversation that if the Bible said, "There will be no wars, no earthquakes, no violence, no famines and the world will have abundance and harmony and then Jesus will return".....I would be very concerned as I surveyed the daily news.

But instead, I am encouraged!

It would seem Franklin Graham is too.

Franklin Graham: 'World Is Unraveling From Middle East to North Korea, Jesus Is Coming'

Evangelical preacher the Rev. Franklin Graham has said that international news headlines indicate the world is unraveling, and urged people to trust Jesus Christ, who is going to one day "wipe the slate clean."

"While the United States is focused on its own politics, the world is unraveling. The danger signals are everywhere. Beheadings, rapes, murders, bombings are taking place every day across North Africa through the Middle East, all the way to the borders of India," Graham wrote Thursday on his Facebook page.

"The U.S. military is deploying fighter aircraft to Finland to counter Russia's moves in that region; China is deploying missiles on an artificial island they have built in the south China sea over the objections of the international community; and North Korea has successfully test fired a long-range missile that has the potential of eventually reaching America with a nuclear bomb," he noted of some of the international news developments in recent times.

The son of famous evangelist Billy Graham, who heads Christian relief organization Samaritan's Purse, said that all of the global political and economic instability shows that the only hope for the world is "Almighty God."

"One day He is going to wipe the slate clean and 'create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind,' (Isaiah 65:17). For those who have trusted His Son Jesus Christ by faith, there is an eternal future with Him to look forward to," he continued.

Graham has been outspoken about world issues, such as the ongoing persecution and genocide of Christians in the Middle East at the hands of the Islamic State terror group, and has urged President Obama to recognize the severity of the issue.


Thank you Jesus for some strong, outspoken men like Billy and Franklin.  Men who aren't afraid to say politically incorrect and unpopular things.

Yes, Jesus is coming!  We certainly don't know the day or the hour but we can certainly see all the signs lining up that point to the nearness of the Great Tribulation and the return of Christ at we said in our previous post, this means the rapture is AT LEAST 7+ years before the 2nd coming.

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