
Tuesday, March 1, 2016

America's Strong Support for Israel

God clearly told us that He will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse her.

As you look at the nations around the world that openly curse Israel, we can see Iraq, Syria and others descending into chaos...and it certainly would appear they are the recipients of that curse.

But what about America?  What does the general public think about Israel?

The American public remains strongly pro-Israel, with even those aged 18-29 saying they are more sympathetic to Israel than the Palestinians by a more than 2:1 margin, according to a Gallup poll released Monday.

According to the annual survey of American's sympathies in the Middle East conflict, 62 percent of the public say their sympathies lie more with Israel than the Palestinians, and only 15% say they are more sympathetic to the Palestinians.

This 47 point difference is the third largest gap in the last 15 years of polling on the matter. During the seven years of the Obama Administration, marked by patches of high tension between Jerusalem and Washington, the percentage of those expressing more sympathy for Israel went from 59% in 2009 to 64% in 2013, and has remained steady at 62% over the last three years.

According to Gallup's summation of the findings, “Americans have become more sympathetic toward Israel over the past 15 years, and that more pro-Israel view held steady in the past year. While Republicans show extraordinarily high support for Israel -- an affinity evident at the Republican presidential debate in Houston last week, where every candidate professed his strong support for the Jewish state -- the majority of Democrats and independents are also on the same page.”

There is a significant difference of support along party lines, with 79% of Republicans saying they sympathize more with Israel, as opposed to 53% Democrats and 56% Independents. Among the Democrats, 23% voice more support for the Palestinians, as opposed to only seven percent among Republicans.

Amid oft heard voices saying that Israel is losing the support of the college-aged youth, the Gallup poll shows that even among the 18-29 year old demographic there is considerably more support for Israel than the Palestinians, with 54% saying they are more sympathetic to Israel, and 23% to the Palestinians. Support for Israel increases significantly among those 50 and older, with those numbers being 72% more sympathetic for Israel,  and 10% for the Palestinians.


For now we are going to file this in the "good news" file.

But let's remember that even if the general public remains pro-Israel....if our leaders turn against her or continue to draw up plans to divide her land and cede it those who hate her...there will be consequences that all of us will have to live with.

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