
Monday, March 28, 2016

Special Torah Scroll Completed for Messiah

The Christians are watching for Jesus to return.

The Muslims are watching for the 12th Imam to return.

The Jews are watching for their messiah to return.  They even completed a special scroll to present him when he arrives!!

Last week, Rabbi Yosef Berger, one of the rabbis in charge of King David’s Tomb in Jerusalem’s Old City, took an enormous step towards making his year-long dream a reality.

Rabbi Berger’s dream was to write a Torah scroll to present to the Messiah upon his arrival. Since David’s Tomb, the burial place of the Messiah’s ancestor, is located on Mount Zion, Rabbi Berger is uniquely positioned to personally present the Torah to the Messiah.

The Rabbi believes that by writing a Torah scroll which includes all of Israel, and keeping that scroll on Mount Zion, it will fulfill the requirements to usher in the Messiah.


Of course, New Testament readers realize that Israel/Jews have some very hard times ahead as they will accept the Antichrist as their Messiah.  He will turn on them 3 1/2 years after the peace agreement that HE helped put in place.

The chess pieces continue to be put into place for the worst time the world has EVER seen.

I don't need to remind regular readers that Jesus said these coming days of Tribulation will get SO BAD that if He didn't cut them short by His return...NO FLESH would survive.

1 comment:


    As usual, the world unites against Israel at the UN

    Todd K.
