
Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Trump Gets Wild Applause at AIPAC

The Donald spoke at AIPAC yesterday and it's being reported he got a standing ovation with wild least twice.

Trump spent quite a bit of time on Iran, saying he would dismantle the Iran deal; he would stand up to Iran’s aggressive push back to destabilize and dominate the region, that Iran has seeded terrorist groups all over the world, in twenty five countries on five continents including in the Western hemisphere, but that he would “totally dismantle Iran’s global terror network”; and “enforce the terms of previous deals” before the JCPOA came on the scene.

Trump’s discussion of the United Nations began by saying things everyone knows and no-one will say about the UN: that it is “not a friend of democracy, freedom, not even of the U.S. and surely is not a friend to Israel.”

Moving on to recently murmured threats from the Obama administration to support or even sponsor a Security Council resolution forcing Israel to yield to the Palestinian Arabs, Trump began by mentioning that this was happening “with President Obama in his final year.” And then, — not in the prepared text but in reality — he paused, and he smiled.

With a single word, Trump told AIPAC what he thinks of the fact that President Obama’s final year has finally come: “Yay.” His hands gave a downbeat and his voice said the word they way your middle schooler would say it when delivering the news that the 7th grade bully had moved to Alaska. Yay – as in, we all know this should make us happy, RIGHT? What a relief, ok?; Bye, seeya, don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

But even more significant than the lilting tone of Trump’s yay was that, when he said those words – “President Obama in his final year” — the audience went absolutely wild. A shouting, standing O.

He then said “the days of treating Israel as a second class citizen will end on my Day One.” Another wild standing O from AIPAC.


We already posted that he also said the American Embassy will get moved to Jerusalem.

Wow!  What might happen if the Jewish lobby gets excited to vote for The Donald?  That would certainly be a wild card!!

Again, we rest in the knowledge that God is on His throne and he already knows who He will allow to become the future leader of America.

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