
Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Trump Says Jerusalem

The Bible says that Jerusalem will be the focus of the world in the Last Days.  The fact that this tiny city with no shipping ports and few people is in the global news everyday should be one more serious clue as to the lateness of the hour.

So here is what Donald Trump said yesterday when speaking to American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

"We will move the American Embassy to the eternal capital of the Jewish people, Jerusalem."


Do I support Donald Trump for President?


Does his pride and arrogance bother me?


Do I agree with some of the things he says?


Do I believe that Donald Trump is a born-again Christian?

If the test is fruit....then I'm no convinced.

Has God used the godless, pagans and heathens since the beginning of time to accomplish His purposes?

For sure.

Are we supposed to pray for the current leaders and future leaders of this country?

Without a doubt.

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