
Thursday, March 17, 2016

White House Finally Says "Genocide"

I'm going to guess that most of my readers are well aware that Muslim "extremists" have been killing and chasing Christians out of various Muslim dominated countries for some time now.  When one group of people tries to exterminate another group of people, it's called "genocide'.

But Team Obama has had a hard time saying the word.


Because Team Obama has a hard time saying "Muslim extremists" and, in fact, has issued statements saying the word "Muslim" in conjunction with "terrorists" is verboten.

So of course Team Obama doesn't want to admit that Muslims are killing Christians in what is clearly genocide....BUT maybe today we see some light at the end of the tunnel?

Kerry: ISIS Is Committing Genocide Against Yazidis, Christians and Shiite Muslims

Secretary of State John Kerry said Thursday that ISIS has been committing genocide against religious minorities in the Middle East — just the second time the executive branch has used the term in relation to an ongoing conflict.

The formal designation comes days after the House passed a nonbinding resolution by a 393-0 vote condemning ISIS atrocities as genocide.

"Daesh is genocidal by self proclamation, by ideology and by actions," Kerry said in a televised address, using another name for the Sunni militant group. "We must recognize what Daesh is doing to its victims."

"Naming these crimes is important but what is essential is to stop them," he added.

He enumerated a list of atrocities against Shiite Muslims, Christians and Yazidis at the hands of the Sunni extremists that led to the designation.

"Daesh is also responsible for crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing directed at these same groups and in some cases also against Sunni Muslims, Kurds, and other minorities," Kerry said, noting that it was impossible to know the full scale of the extremists' atrocities.

Kerry took care to highlight the plight of the Yazidis, a Kurdish minority ISIS branded as devil worshipers and who have been killed and starved by the thousands.

Many were saved with the help of the U.S. but "not before Daesh captured and enslaved thousands of Yazidi women and girls, selling them at auction, raping them at will, and destroying the communities in which they had lived for countless generations," the secretary of state said.

Kerry also gave examples of Shiites and Christians being slaughtered, forced to flee their homes and compelled to convert to ISIS' extreme version of Sunni Islam.

Christian groups had heaped pressure on lawmakers to ensure ISIS actions against members of the religion were included in any consideration of genocide.

The Obama administration had come under pressure for its reluctance to use the term genocide, which is strictly defined under international law.

Kerry's announcement came after Congress demanded the State Department determine if ISIS atrocities constituted a genocide.

Fireworks erupted at a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing last month when lawmakers grilled Kerry over why the State Department had not yet branded ISIS massacres of Christians a genocide.

"The whole world knows Christians are being slaughtered in the Middle East," Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, a California Republican and frequent critic of the Obama Administration, said at the hearing.


Now that the word GENOCIDE has been used, maybe the world body will be forced into further action?

We won't hold our breath....because we realize that "boots on the ground" are almost certainly needed to stop this genocide....and Team Obama has proven time and time again that "boots on the ground" seems to be something this Commander in Chief has promised his supporters he would never use....and the dark forces of this world know it...and they scoff at his weakness and indecisiveness.

During WWII and the genocide against the Jews, the world refused to believe the reports that were coming to them from the death camps across Europe....until finally they had no choice but to acknowledge it.  6 million Jews died in horrendous ways.  The saying, "Never again!" is posted at the Holocaust Museum....but maybe they will just prove to be idle words?

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