
Tuesday, April 26, 2016

At 12 She Grew a Beard and Got Her Period

How many of you have been in a debate about gay marriage or men dressing in women's locker rooms...when someone will say, "Well, I used to think like you until I saw the story of people who were born with both sex organs!  Now who should best decide what sex they are?...some doctor at their birth or let them grow up and decide for themselves?"

Good question.

Now check out this story that was just on the BBC about a "girl" who started growing a beard at age 12 but also got her period that same year.

When Alec Butler was born in 1959 it was assumed Alec was female. But after being brought up as a girl, Alec - now an award-winning writer and film-maker - realised they were intersex, someone whose anatomical, hormonal or genetic sex is neither completely male nor female.

I was about 12 when it really hit. I started to grow a beard and I had a period. So it was really confusing for me. My parents were a little freaked out. They took me to some doctors, but no-one knew about being intersex in the small town where I grew up in Canada. One doctor said, "We're going to have to put her in a mental institution until she learns how to dress like a girl and put on makeup." This was at the age of 12, when even most genetic girls aren't being forced to do that. 

Luckily my parents were outraged and they said, "We're not going to do that. We're just going to love you, and you can choose how you want to be." That was a gift. Lots of intersex kids don't have that.
My whole family was very loving. I had lots of vitality, I was funny, and I could entertain people with my Elvis Presley impersonations. I was always interested in art and writing. As a kid I remember seeing a Van Gogh painting. I was blown away by it. My parents were working class, and the only books at home were encyclopaedias which I read back to back. My family was very accepting of me - it was just school and society that were hard.

Intersex: Applies to a person with a combination of sex characteristics - chromosomes, genitals or reproductive organs - neither solely male nor female

Non-binary: Applies to a person who does not identify as "male" or "female"

Genderqueer: Similar to "non-binary"... the term is sometimes shortened to "queer" (an ambiguous word that can also be used to describe a person's sexual orientation, eg lesbian / gay / bisexual)

Transgender: Applies to a person whose gender is different from their "assigned" sex at birth, often shortened to "trans"

During the early 1990s, I took care of friends who were dying of Aids. It was a really busy time, a crazy time. I didn't want people to know I had a beard but during that period I just didn't have time to shave. So stubble appeared, and my friends said, "Wow, you have a beard! That's really cool, you should grow it out." So after my friends died, I did grow my beard in memory of them, and in honour of how they accepted me. But I got in trouble again - it didn't go down well in the lesbian bars. Women would say, "What are you doing at a lesbian bar?" And I was like, "Well, I'm a lesbian too, and some of us have beards."

It was probably not until the mid-1990s that I knew I was intersex. One day someone I'd known for years said, "Do you think you might be intersex?" And I was like, "What's that, intersex!?" So I ended up googling it and researching it very intensively, and I thought, "Yeah, that's what I am." And then I remembered things my mother told me about when she was pregnant with me. She was taking a drug called progestin, and I know from my research that it causes intersex in babies, so I think that's what happened to me.


So what do you say to a woman who has a full beard, looks like and acts like a man, yet has a vagina and ovaries and has her period every month?  What rest room should she use?  What locker room should she use?

I have some ideas. (hint; why are some people born disabled or with birth defects?)

Leave your comments if you have some.  We are being bombarded by the liberal left as queers, transgender and other perverts claim to be something that they aren't....and then DEMAND that the rest of us accept their claims.  We had better be thinking about these issues and remember the liberals will always be willing to take a 1 in a 1,000,000 case and try to change the laws for the 999,999 others.

"Abortion should be legal for EVERYONE cuz of that one little girl who got raped by her uncle and got pregnant!  Would YOU want to give birth to your uncles baby after he raped you?"

"Yes, I know you believe I'm a 45 year old white man....but I SELF IDENTIFY as a 20 year old black girl and I DEMAND I GET TREATED AS SUCH!!  Now, where is my NAACP card and where can I try out for the women's college volleyball team?  Also where is the shower room so I can change with my girlfriends?"

Honestly, the women are going to be crushed in this move where men can just CLAIM to be women. What tennis team will they play on? What volleyball team?  What basketball team?  Come to think of it...WHY do we even have men's and women's sports?  If men and women are totally equal....why don't we just mix them all on the same court and the best players make the team?

Oh....poor women....did NONE of you make the team when you had to try out against men? better start taking testosterone pills so you can become more "manly". can't use that word anymore..."manly" is not a politically correct word anymore...because no one can really say what a man really is.

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