
Thursday, April 7, 2016

Earth Could Be Destroyed by Rogue Planet Any Day Now

You simply gotta love these headlines!!

Today we find one from the New York Post;

Newly discovered planet could destroy Earth any day now

A mysterious planet that wiped out life on Earth millions of years ago could do it again, according to a top space scientist.

And some believe the apocalyptic event could happen as early as this month.

Planet Nine — a new planet discovered at the edge of the solar system in January — has triggered comet showers that bomb the Earth’s surface, killing all life, says Daniel Whitmire, of the University of Louisiana.

The astrophysicist says the planet has a 20,000-year orbit around the sun and, at its closest to us, it knocks asteroids and comets toward Earth.

Fossil evidence has suggested most life on Earth is mysteriously wiped out every 26 million to 27 million years.

Whitmire claims Planet Nine’s passage through a rock-laden area called the Kuiper Belt is responsible for the “extinction events.”

Conspiracy theorists in the ’80s and ’90s previously claimed a red dwarf planet called Nibiru or Nemesis, which orbits too close to Earth every 36,000 years, was behind the events.

Now some are convinced there will be a collision or a near miss before the end of April.

Nemesis or Nibiru was widely dismissed as crackpot pseudo-science — until Planet Nine was identified in January by the California Institute of Technology.


Wow!  We could all be toast later this month!!  If that's the case, I still have a lot of things on my bucket list!....I better quit my job and get training fast to be a NASCAR driver!

Here's the deal friends....does the Bible say there will be terrifying things appearing in the sky that will make men faint with fear?


Does that Bible also promise us that during this dispensation of grace, in which we find ourselves, that the sun will always rise, there will be winter and summer, and that the earth will continue going around the sun just like it always has?


Of course once the rapture happens and this dispensation of grace ends....planet earth is going to go through such a tremendous upheaval that NO FLESH would survive unless Jesus returned to put an end to the carnage.

Hmmm....that sounds like what scientists call an EXTINCTION LEVEL EVENT? (ELE)

So....MAYBE the fact that scientists are now talking about a rogue planet is ONE MORE SIGN of how close we are to The Great Tribulation?

And IF that's the much closer are we to Jesus coming to collect His bride?

Are you ready?

1 comment:


    Todd K.
