
Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Franklin Graham Warns: End of USA May be Near

God is no respecter of nations.  He sets up and tears down kingdoms and nations as He sees fit.

"But Dennis, this is America!  Certainly God loves us enough to never cause us harm or discomfort!  America will always be here!  We will always be a world power!  We will always be wealthy!  We will always buy anything we want!"

Well....for any who believe that, I would suggest you read your Bibles and history books to see what world powers have come and gone since men tried to build a Tower in Babel.

Today we find legendary preacher, Franklin Graham, warning us that America may already have our own writing on the wall....unless we humble ourselves and turn back to God.

Evangelical preacher the Rev. Franklin Graham has warned that much like the decline of the Babylonian empire close to 2,500 years ago, America may also be staring down at its end, unless it turns back to God.

"What's the writing on the wall for America? As a nation we are found lacking because of sin and disobedience to God's Holy Word. We have not honored Him. If we don't turn back to God, I fear that our end will be near," Graham wrote on Facebook Sunday.

He noted that 2,500 year ago, present day Iraq was known as the Babylonian empire, and boasted one of the largest armies in the world at the time.

"Its king, Belshazzar, was having a big party drinking and boasting with his wives, his mistresses, and his nobles," Graham described, referring to the account in the book of Daniel in the Bible.

He added: "While they were partying, the hand of God appeared and wrote a message on the wall, terrifying everyone including King Belshazzar. His face grew pale and his knees went weak. Daniel is called in to interpret the handwriting which says three things: 'Mene: God has numbered the days of your reign and brought it to an end. Tekel: You have been weighed on the scales and found wanting. Peres: Your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians.'"

After Daniel warns Belshazzar that he is guilty of worshiping false gods, the king is slain that very night, and the kingdom is lost.

"Our country is going in the wrong direction. And I think some of the politicians that are running have tapped into the anger and the frustration in this country. And I want Christians to know that their vote does count and we've taken God out of government, schools and everything else and we need to get God back into it," Graham said back in February, urging people to vote in the presidential elections.

The evangelical, who leads the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, has further warned that news headlines suggest the world is unraveling, and Jesus Christ is coming to "wipe the slate clean."

"While the United States is focused on its own politics, the world is unraveling. The danger signals are everywhere. Beheadings, rapes, murders, bombings are taking place every day across North Africa through the Middle East, all the way to the borders of India," Graham said.

Speaking about Jesus, he added: "One day He is going to wipe the slate clean and 'create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind,' (Isaiah 65:17). For those who have trusted His Son Jesus Christ by faith, there is an eternal future with Him to look forward to."


Preach it Franklin!

Yes!  The world is unraveling!

Yes!  Jesus is coming to wipe the slate clean!

So how many people in YOUR CHURCH and MY CHURCH would be surprised if Jesus showed up today to snatch His bride from planet earth?

How many people in YOUR CHURCH and MY CHURCH are actually excited and eager for King Jesus to return for us?

How many of us have fallen so in love with THE THINGS OF THIS WORLD that we really don't think much about our real lives in eternity?

Remember if someone ever says to you, "Don't be so heavenly minded that you become no earthly good!".....without missing a beat reply to them, "The Bible actually says to not become so earthly minded that you become no heavenly good."

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