
Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Judgement Day--Will USA Turn Its Back on Israel?

I'm quite sure that by now most of my readers understand about God's promise that He will bless the nations that bless Israel and will curse the nations that curse Israel.

Also most of us are aware that in the VERY Last Days Israel will be all alone among the nations and will have no friends or allies to come to her aid.

So where will America be?  Why aren't we around to have Israel's back?  Won't we ALWAYS be a blessing to Israel?  Won't God ALWAYS bless America because we ALWAYS bless Israel?

Israel is preparing to defend itself before the United Nations Security Council as several anti-Israel resolutions are expected to be introduced over the coming months.  

These resolutions could prove to be some of the most dangerous yet as analysts speculate whether President Obama might be preparing not only to "abandon" Israel by refusing to veto such resolutions but could even be contemplating supporting such resolutions.  

Such actions would be unprecedented in US/Israel relations but some believe Obama has been emboldened by his actions in Iran and Cuba, and that the Palestinian cause could be his final act of legacy to "bring peace" to the Middle East. 

"There will be a great temptation to do something in the final year. "For a president who came out faster and more aggressively on the Middle East than any of his predecessors, there is a gnawing sense of incompletion and perhaps even failure," Aaron David Miller, a vice president at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, told the New York Times last month. 

The State Department confirmed as much last week when it announced that it will consider taking its concerns over Israel's settlement activity, as well as a general stall in negotiations toward a final-status solution with the Palestinians, to the United Nations Security Council.

Israeli Primie Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu has already condemned the UN draft, accusing Abbas of "taking a step that will push negotiations further away."

For a resolution to pass it needs nine votes from the council's 15 members. If more than nine votes are received, one of its five permanent members -- the US, the UK, China, France and Russia -- could still veto the resolution.

China, Russia, Egypt, Malaysia, Senegal, Venezuela and France are already firmly believed to be in the Palestinian camp vis-à-vis the draft resolution. Britain, Angola, Japan, New Zealand, Spain, Ukraine and Uruguay are also expected to support the Palestinian proposal based on previous voting patterns and endorsement of the "illegal settlement" position adopted by most of the world. The US remains the only hope for Israel to have the resolution vetoed.

Despite the US vetoing a similar resolution in 2011, it was made clear that the US does not disagree with the resolution's content but merely take issue with using the Security Council as a tool to advance the stalled peace process. 

"Our opposition to the resolution before this council today should therefore not be misunderstood to mean we support settlement activity," Susan Rice, then the US's ambassador to the UN and today Obama's national security adviser, declared at the time. "On the contrary, we reject in the strongest terms the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlement activity."

Even if this resolution does not pass it would appear only a matter of time before one does and then we will have what many Bible prophecy experts have been expecting... a world truly united against Israel over the possession of Jerusalem and the right of the Jews to the land God promised them.

"Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah (West Bank) and against Jerusalem. And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it. Zechariah 12:2-3

Perhaps it is no coincidence that Friday's resolution vote will come the evening before Passover begins. Passover serves as a reminder to the Jewish people that it is God alone who will preserve and protect them, not the United States.


Yep!  Just as the Bible said would happen in the Last Days...the world will be having a hissy-fit about the West Bank!  It's just a few hundred acres of land and yet it's in the headline news EVERY SINGLE DAY!!

For any atheists or unbelievers who happen to be reading you want some proof that God exists?  Check out the history of God's chosen people, the Jews.  Then check out the history of God's Promised Land, Israel.

NEVER in the history of the world has a people group been dispersed to all corners of the world for over 2000 years but then miraculously God gathered them back to the exact land!  They even resurrected their forefather's Hebrew language.

After you see all the miracles surrounding the wars Israel has survived since 1948 to present day, you will understand that the Bible is true.  The God if Israel, Isaac and Jacob is in fact the Alpha and the Omega...the beginning and the end.

For all my God fearing readers, please be in prayer for America and Israel as the UN meeting approaches on Friday.  America's continued blessing may hinge on this meeting.

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