
Monday, April 11, 2016

The Sexual Left's Real Enemy is Christianity

Are you guys watching what is happening in North Carolina?

Governor Andrew Cuomo of NY recently banned most travel by state employees to North Carolina. Was this bizarre action a result of a resurgence of the KKK? No -- rather, Cuomo has decided to impose his religious beliefs on the residents of North Carolina.

Those dastardly North Carolinians dared to say that men shouldn’t be allowed to use women’s restrooms. Clearly no right thinking progressive could live with that, so Cuomo, and thousands of other liberal bigots, immediately began applying pressure to assure that men could use women’s restrooms.

From a scientific perspective, it’s clear that men who claim to think they’re women need our help and support, but the right answer is not to enable their delusion. But even more importantly, both men and women have, according to liberals, a constitutionally ensured right to privacy.

Yet what greater invasion of privacy could there be than to be forced to share a bathroom with a stranger of the opposite sex? Cuomo is appalled that parents don’t want their 10-year-old daughters exposed to any man who simply declares that he’s a woman. Apparently, liberals have no interest in protecting children from pedophile voyeurs. But even adult women don’t want to be forced to share a bathroom with a person with a male reproductive organ.

It seems that to liberals like Cuomo that the only citizens who have rights are those who deny their biological identity -- a rather bizarre faith-based belief.

Cuomo and his ilk reject the settled science that says that merely thinking one is of the opposite sex does not in fact make one a member of the opposite sex in order to advance their purely faith-based belief that people are infinitely malleable.

Could you imagine Cuomo ever saying that a white man could declare himself to be black because he felt he was a black man and as a result get perks reserved for minorities, such as preferential treatment for jobs and government contracts? (Cuomo's opinion concerning Rachel Dolezal, who did exactly that, is not on record.) 

No sane and honest person thinks that a person’s sex is any less determined by their DNA than is a person’s race yet liberals wish to impose their belief in magic on the rest of society. Such a rejection of settled science is proof positive that Cuomo is engaged in a discriminatory religious crusade against people who believe in scientific truths.

The internal inconsistency of Cuomo’s position is highlighted by his plan to travel to China. China continues to treat members of the LGBT community very poorly -- as understood by liberals -- and certainly men are not allowed to use women’s bathrooms.

Perhaps the reason that Cuomo has no problem with this apparent bit of hypocrisy is that his real motivation is hatred for Christianity, or more precisely Christian morals, rather than a deeply held love of the “transgendered”.


Hard to believe that a State has to pass a law saying that if a man has a penis he has to use the men's room and CAN'T get naked in a high school girl's locker room.....but that is how quickly the situation has devolved.

It seems that the only thing standing against utter insanity is the sexual left hates us and wants us removed.

If Jesus tarries, get ready for persecution.


  1. GSA Genetic Sexual Attraction
    Simply Incest, but now mainstream,
    are we surprised.


    Todd K.
