
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Beat Your Wives Lightly

Pakistan has been in the news a lot in the last few years.  Christian persecution is growing there.

Today we read that the Islamic Council of Pakistan says a man can "lightly beat his wife" if she refuses to have sex with him.

A Pakistani Islamic council has sparked outrage after suggesting husbands may “lightly beat” their wives as a form of discipline in their draft of a women’s protection bill.

In the draft bill, released on Thursday, the Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) said it was permissible to beat a woman lightly should he need to punish her.

"A husband should be allowed to lightly beat his wife if she defies his commands and refuses to dress up as per his desires; turns down demand of intercourse without any religious excuse or does not take bath after intercourse or menstrual periods," Pakistan's Express-Tribune reports citing the proposal.

Formed in 1962, the CII is a constitutional body that advises parliament on the compatibility of laws with Sharia.

Its proposed bill is deemed to be a response to the Punjab Protection of Women Against Violence Bill 2015, which redefines "violence" to include "any offence committed against a woman" and provides a toll free help line for women, after the council said it was "un-Islamic".

The 163-point draft bill reportedly bans women from appearing in television or print advertising and female nurses from treating male patients. It would also allow husbands to forbid their wives from visiting other men except relatives.

The draft has been lambasted by Pakistani media and women’s rights activists, who have dubbed the report as “ridiculous”.

The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP), called for the council of "zealots" to be disbanded, saying: "It is difficult to comprehend why anyone in his right mind would think that any further encouragement or justification is needed to invite violence upon women in Pakistan,” AFP reports.

The HRCP estimates 70 per cent of Pakistani women have suffered domestic violence.


Just one other example of the insanity of the liberals insisting the Islam is a "Religion of peace".

Where are the feminists from The West protesting the Muslim leaders in Pakistan?

There are none.

Why isn't Saturday Night Live continually making funny skits lambasting Islam and the stupid things they do in Allah's name?

Because they are scared to offend the "religion of peace".

So why do they feel free to make fun of Jesus and Christians like Tim Tebow?

Because they aren't afraid of offending followers of Christ.

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