
Friday, May 20, 2016

Pastor Warns of Demonic Zombies

Pastor Paul Begley has a book out called ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE.  In the book he tells the true stories of over 35 actual events of people eating the face off other people or police coming upon a man eating a dog off the street.

So what's up?

A pastor has joined a growing number of Evangelical Christians in proclaiming mankind is suffering through the End of Days in a zombie apocalypse predicted by the Bible that is currently upon us.
In his book Zombie Apocalypse, Pastor Paul Begley notes 35 recent instances in which people have gone crazy and started eating other people like zombies in a Hollywood apocalypse movie.

“Superhuman strength, stripping down naked, some cases quoting scriptures, some cases having bibles, some cases saying that they are the Messiah. This is an actual manifestation of demonic spirits, and people what I’m talking about here, this is demon possession.”

Begley notes a 2012 incident where a man went crazy after eating bath salts and attacked a homeless man, eating most of his face off, before being shot dead by police. In another story, a veteran policeman stripped off his clothes and charged into an apartment complex attacking another man before jumping out a two-story window. In Canada, police came upon a man sitting in the middle of the road eating a dog alive.

Begley claims global warming, massive super storms, famine, and disease are all signs mankind is suffering through the End of Days on Earth and he’s not the only Christian claiming the end of the world is upon us.

A survey conducted by the Daily Beast earlier this year notes 77 percent of Evangelical Christians believe we are going through the end times described in the biblical book of Revelations. That’s compared to 40 percent of Americans and 51 percent of Protestants.

That means in any giant mega-church, three quarters of the people there think the world is ending.

“All hell will break loose on this planet just before the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, and I’m telling you it’s already beginning.”


That's let me re-post the paragraph from above;

A survey conducted by the Daily Beast earlier this year notes 77 percent of Evangelical Christians believe we are going through the end times described in the biblical book of Revelations. That’s compared to 40 percent of Americans and 51 percent of Protestants.

So 4 out of 10 Americans believe that the world is going through the end times as described in the Bible?  If the Daily Beast survey is accurate, that's simply amazing!


Because a far, far smaller number than 40% are Bible readers in America.  So why would so many believe that the wrath of God is coming if they don't read their Bibles and many even mock the idea of God?

Revelation 6:16
They called to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb!

Revelation 11:18
The nations were angry, and your wrath has come. The time has come for judging the dead, and for rewarding your servants the prophets and your people who revere your name, both great and small— and for destroying those who destroy the earth.”

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