
Friday, June 3, 2016

ACLU Boss Quits After Seeing Men Use Women's Room

Even some major liberals know they have overstepped the boundaries on allowing men in drag to hang out in the same rest room and locker room with little girls.  Turns out the little girls are scared when men dressed as women show up in the bathroom with them!

Said one surprised liberal, "Those little girls should be ashamed of themselves for being scared of 6 foot tall women who spoke like men but were obviously dressed like women in dresses and wigs!  Shame!  Shame! Shame! you hateful, little, racist, sexist, transphobic black girls!"

The American Civil Liberties Union’s state director in Georgia has resigned after her young daughters were “visibly frightened” and concerned for their safety when three men dressed in drag entered the women’s restroom with them.

Maya Dillard Smith, whose resignation was first reported by Atlanta Progressive News, wrote: “I have shared my personal experience of having taken my elementary school age daughters into a women’s restroom when shortly after three transgender young adults, over six feet [tall] with deep voices, entered.

“My children were visibly frightened, concerned about their safety and left asking lots of questions for which I, like many parents, was ill-prepared to answer,” she continued.

Smith — who was one of just three African-American state directors in the ACLU and describes herself as “unapologetically black” — said that she could no longer work for the organization, which was been a staunch advocate of allowing men who self-identify as women to use whichever bathroom they please.


Wow!  Let's watch and see the death threats, slurs and personal attacks that come from the "tolerant" liberals on this black lady who simply is trying to tell her personal experience and communicate the palpable fear her daughters experienced.

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