
Friday, June 24, 2016

Now That UK Voted to Exit EU....Now What?

Let's think about this historic vote that happened yesterday and has the stock markets "plunging" today.  Was it GOOD or BAD?

Just like anything these days, the answer to that question depends on who you talk to.

The fact is that the EU is a bloated bunch of bureaucrats who sit around wondering how they can pass another law to look productive while paying themselves enormous salaries....that's the bad part.

The good part of the EU is that the English haven't had to fight the Germans for over 70 years...and the French haven't had to fight anyone since they invented crepes...and the Spaniards haven't tried to colonize anyone in quite some time AND Russia might think twice about invading a country in the EU.

Seriously, Europe was the death continent for 2000 years and just MAYBE the EU has served a big part of keeping Europe from engaging in any more big ugly wars.

Here's what Steve Forbes has to say about it.

THE BREXIT VOTE is a disaster, political and economically. After the initial shock wears off there will be happy talk that maybe it won’t all be so bad.

Don’t believe it.

The vote will intensify the centrifugal forces tearing apart the EU. The whole thrust of post-WWII diplomacy has been to bring the European nations together in order to avoid the disasters that plagued Europe and the world during the first half of the 20th century. The EU has made a series of major mistakes, in particular creating a massive, corrupt bureaucracy that has spewed out an avalanche of petty regulations (what the shape of a banana should be).

For all its flaws, however, the EU played a critical role in enabling the former dictatorships of Spain and Portugal to make the transition to the liberal democracies they are today. It also did the same for the ex-communist countries of central and eastern Europe. These countries made major reforms that went against powerful domestic interests in order to win membership in the EU.

No wonder Vladimir Putin hates the EU and was horrified that Ukraine wanted in. He wants Russia to dominate Europe, and the unraveling of the EU plays right into his malignant hands.

Two big and more immediate blunders brought the EU to this existential crisis.

One was economic. European policymakers refused to make the structural changes needed to get their economies growing again: cutting taxes; easing stifling regulations, especially those concerning crippling labor laws; reining in spending; and reducing the size of the bloated public sectors.

Britain should have been a champion of Thatcheresque free-market reforms like those that had turned the Sceptred Isle from being Europe’s sick man into its most dynamic economy. It could have put together a bloc of EU members to counter Brussels’ statist tendencies–most of the formerly communist countries, as well as the Dutch (who also want out of the EU) and some others, would have rallied to this banner. But it chose not to do so.

When the economic crisis hit Greece, Portugal, Spain and Ireland, the response of Germany and the EU was to demand austerity, but it was of the pro-big-government, anti-private-sector variety. Taxes went up and some public services were cut, but the government sector was spared! A better formula for stagnation and anemic recovery couldn’t have been devised. Ireland, thankfully, refused to raise its ultra-low corporate tax rate of 12.5% and recovered far faster than the others.

The second blunder, of course, was immigration. Angela Merkel’s impetuous decision to let hundreds of thousands of Mideast refugees into a continent that has badly handled the integration of past immigrants–notoriously letting virtual self-governing areas arise that became a haven for terrorists–was the breaking point.

These two egregious errors have already led to the rise of fringe, anti-liberal parties. Even Germany’s politics are becoming worrisome. The most popular political figure there is a member of the Green Party. The second-most popular is the foreign minister, a socialist, who says Germany must come closer to working with Russia.

Europe’s disarray may well lead Russia to make moves to subjugate the Baltic states of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, under the guise of protecting minority Russian populations (for the record, most of those people want no part of Putin’s Russia). Moscow has been engaging in a series of ominous military exercises in that area.

Sadly, in the face of such an eventuality, President Obama’s response would be ineffectual. These countries are part of NATO, the most successful freedom alliance in history, and a successful Putin move would mark NATO’s death.

The Brexit vote may also spell the doom of the U.K. itself. Scotland voted heavily to remain, and Scottish nationalists are already pushing for another independence referendum.

The uncertainty created by the Brexit will hurt economically. New trade agreements take time to work out and enact, and the negotiations for this divorce will be extremely contentious.

One other baleful outcome of Britain’s exit will be the fate of Gibraltar. Its status as a British possession was effectively taken off the table because both Britain and Spain were part of the EU. Eventually, a Spanish government may decide to play the nationalist card and take moves to effect Gibraltar’s return to Spain.


Of course you guys can get on Google as well as anyone and find articles that say Brexit is the best thing that could have happened!

The Bible says that the nations of the world will NEVER be at peace.  The Bible also says that wars and rumors of war will continue through all of human history.  Ezekiel told us to watch for Russia to make some moves along with Iran that could be huge in the very last days.  Daniel and Revelation tell us to watch for some type of coalition involving 10 nations....does Brexit have potential elements of all these things?


Brexit could prove to be a very prophetic event indeed.

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