
Thursday, June 23, 2016

Orthodox Jews Coming to Christ?

I hope that many of my readers already know that thousands upon thousands of Muslims are leaving Islam and embracing Jesus as the Christ.

Today we find more evidence that Jesus is is also moving in the Jewish communities.

Analysis from a news portal on the Messianic Jewish community in Israel has claimed that some in the Ultra-Orthodox community in Israel, who are often opposed to Jewish people turning to Jesus Christ, are experiencing a "spiritual meltdown of historic proportions" and are reexamining their beliefs.

"It would appear that the haredi community is quietly experiencing a spiritual meltdown of historic proportions. These people, who literally spend all their waking hours in Torah learning, are so starved for the real Word of the LORD that hundreds are willing to read 'forbidden' material in order to find Him," Kehila News reported, reflecting on a Hebrew-language article published earlier in June on MyNet, the city of Petach Tikva's news site.

Kehila News said that the article serves as a warning to citizens in the city to "beware of the propaganda" being distributed by Messianic groups, which is a common complaint by the haredi against Jesus-believing Jewish people.

The news portal argued that in part, the article is nothing special, as it makes the same accusations against the Messianic community as it does every year, namely that Jesus followers are practicing deceit by embracing Jewish customs, that their leaders are motivated by lucrative salaries, that they recruit new believers through entrapment, and indoctrinate minors to leave the Jewish faith.

Christians and Jewish followers of Christ are often accused of such actions by the haredi, which has also led to legislation seeking to supress religious freedom. In June 2015 it was announced that the Jerusalem Municipality has been obliged to consult with the city's Rabbis before allowing Christians to host events in the city, fearful of gatherings that would see to convince Jews to follow Jesus.

Kehila News added: "A few Israeli believers were asked by MyNet if they understood why the ultra-orthodox are so hostile toward us. Their answers focused on what the haredim think of us, ranging from the perception that they 'sometimes come to accept us after they get to know us' … to the conviction that 'they are against us no matter what we do.'"

The news portal reflected that the "real reason" behind anti-missionary panic in Petach Tikva is that the "Messiah is so powerfully reaching those of our people who have lived all their lives 'behind the Torah Curtain,'" that even the haredi are recognizing the truth now.


What is the answer for a broken world filled with war, terrorism, violence and hatred?  Is it a Republican President?


How about another Democratic President?


How about more gun control laws...or more social programs?


The only answer is Jesus!

There is only ONE NAME given in all of creation who has the power to save the souls of men...JESUS!

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