
Monday, July 18, 2016

More Police Officers Shot Dead by Black Man

What a joke this whole BlackLivesMatter show is!!  We have dozens of black people killed by other black people EVERY WEEKEND in Chicago, BUT, those black lives don't matter?

You see friends, the truth is that the ONLY black life that matters to the ignorant crowd fomenting riots, protests, street closings and business closings on behalf of BlackLivesMatter is one that is killed by police.

Sadly, the media helps support the BlackLivesMatter agenda by playing the video of police shooting over and over again, 24-7...while ignoring the video and reports of black people being shot by other black people over drugs, girls, turf, or just getting caught in the cross fire of black gangs.

And all it takes is for this to trigger a few militant blacks who then start targeting police.  We all know by now that 3 more officers were killed by a black man in Baton Rouge.

BATON ROUGE, La. — The man who fatally shot three law enforcement officers here and wounded three others before being killed by the police on Sunday morning “was targeting officers,” state police officials said Monday.

“Our preliminary investigation shows that he definitely ambushed those officers,” Lt. J.B. Slaton, a public affairs commander for the Louisiana State Police, said in a phone interview Monday morning. “We are still trying to find out what his motive was, and that’s going to be part of our investigation. But we believe he was targeting those officers.”

The superintendent of the Louisiana State Police, Col. Michael D. Edmonson, said Monday that investigators were interviewing people and sifting through visual evidence to track the activities of the gunman, Gavin Long, before he shot the officers, and to find out what brought Mr. Long to the city and why he stayed, adding that it was “critical and important” to get it right.

“There was no doubt in my mind” that Mr. Long had intended to kill the officers, Colonel Edmonson said on CNN. Lieutenant Slaton said Mr. Long had been positively identified with the use of fingerprint records.

As investigators worked, details about Mr. Long, 29, of Kansas City, Mo., began to emerge. Like the gunman who killed five police officers more than a week ago in Dallas, Mr. Long had served abroad in the military.

Military records show that Mr. Long was in the Marines from 2005 to 2010, including a six-month deployment in Iraq. He was a sergeant and a data network specialist who earned several awards, including one for good conduct. He was also assigned to Okinawa, Japan, and several locations in Southern California.

On Sunday night, about half a dozen police vehicles went racing up the quiet tree-lined street in Kansas City, that is listed as his address. The officers blocked off the street — ordering reporters out of the area and advising neighbors to stay indoors. An unidentified man emerged from the house voluntarily and was taken into custody.

“I’m shocked,” said a neighbor, Simone Wilson, 29.

Ms. Wilson said that she did not know Mr. Long well and that her only encounter with him was an occasional wave to each other, but he appeared to be close to his family, which included children.

On a social media site registered under the name Gavin Long, a young African-American man who refers to himself as “Cosmo” posted videos and podcasts and shared biographical and personal information that aligned with the information that the authorities had released, so far, about the gunman.

Colonel Edmonson had said on Sunday that a call came in to police dispatch early in the morning reporting “a guy carrying a weapon” near the Hammond Aire Plaza shopping center on Airline Highway — a commercial thoroughfare dotted with carwashes, car dealerships and chain stores that cuts through a leafy residential neighborhood.

The shopping center is about a mile from the Baton Rouge Police Headquarters, where protesters had held numerous rallies since July 5, when the police fatally shot Mr. Sterling after a confrontation in front of a convenience store.

On Sunday, officers observed a man, wearing all black and holding a rifle, outside the beauty supply store, the colonel said. In the next four minutes, there were reports of shots fired and officers struck, said Colonel Edmonson, whose agency has taken the lead on the investigation, helped by local and federal investigators.


I loved what the black Dallas Police Chief said when he told the black people to get off the protest lines and come apply for a job as a police officer!  He then said he would make sure that following police training THEY WOULD be placed in their own neighborhoods to police them!

I wonder if he has any takers yet?  I'm going to guess he doesn't..

Paul told us this about people in the Last Days;
"But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people."

How many adjectives above can be used to describe a large portion of those people who are shouting about black lives matter?

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