
Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Jihadists Kill Dozens in Pakistan

I don't need to write much about this one.

An offshoot of the Taliban and/or ISIS shot an attorney in Pakistan.  They knew he would be brought to the hospital whether he was dead or alive.  Evidently this was a popular attorney because the Islamists KNEW lots of other attorneys would rush to the hospital to learn of his condition.

Once all the attorneys were gathered at the hospital, another Muslim-suicide-bomber blew himself up and killed 70 people and injured more than 100 others.

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—Militants detonated a bomb in a crowd of lawyers in Pakistan, killing at least 69 people and injuring more than 100 others on Monday, in an attack claimed by two jihadist groups that officials said was intended to destabilize a nascent trade network linking Pakistan with China.

Authorities said a suicide bomber struck the lawyers outside a hospital in the southwestern city of Quetta, in Balochistan province. The attorneys had gathered to mourn a colleague whom militants had shot dead earlier in the day and whose body had been taken to the hospital, officials said, suggesting they had been lured there.

“The terrorists first targeted the lawyer, and they knew the body would be brought to the hospital, even if he was only wounded, and people will gather,” said Sanaullah Zehri, chief minister of Balochistan. “That’s where the suicide bomber blew himself up.”

The blast left the courtyard of the Civil Hospital strewn with bodies, footage from the scene showed. Victims, clad in the black suits lawyers typically wear, lay in pools of blood. Others who had survived, shocked and bleeding, were struggling to stand, the footage showed.

Jamaat-ul-Ahrar, a splinter group of the Pakistani Taliban, said it carried out both the shooting and the bombing, and that it “resolves to continue” hitting targets in Pakistan. The group was behind an Easter Sunday bomb attack in a park in the eastern city of Lahore that killed more than 70 people earlier this year. The U.S. State Department last week declared Jamaat-ul-Ahrar to be Specially Designated Global Terrorists, a move designed to isolate the group and deny it access to the U.S. financial system.

It was unclear why the bombers decided to target lawyers specifically but Pakistani officials said the attack signaled militants’ interest in disrupting a planned economic corridor connecting western China with the Arabian Sea through Balochistan’s Gwadar port.


"But Dennis, these savages aren't REAL Muslims!  The moderate, peaceful Muslims are the REAL Muslims!"


I'll let you Google it yourselves and discover is Muhammad was a peaceful man.

Remember what the Bible clearly warned us about an angel coming and denying the Gospel?...and then remember that ISLAM CAME 600 YEARS AFTER CHRIST HAD ASCENDED AND CHRISTIANITY HAD SPREAD THROUGH THE ENTIRE ROMAN WORLD.

Galatians 1:8 
But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!

Yep!  And Muhammad came out of his cave claiming an "ANGEL" proceeded to deny Christ and spread the falsity of ANOTHER GOSPEL!....and clearly they are under God's curse.  Do you know of ANY Islamic nations in which you would want to live?  Nope.

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