
Tuesday, October 4, 2016

2/3 of Americans Believe God Accepts Worship From All Religions

"Oh Allah, we praise you through your final prophet Muhammad!"

"Dear St. Thomas, please ask God to sell my house for me and I'll put some more money in the plate at the next mass!"

"Heavenly Buddha, we implore you for your kind mercies"

"Oh dark Lord of the earth, we beseech you to break up this relationship."

According to the latest poll, 2/3 of Americans think all these prayers are going to the same place!  I heard one actor on TV the other night say, "We all end up at Disneyworld when we die, it's just that we all took different routes to get there!"

What a load of Satanic lies!!

Two-thirds of Americans believe God accepts the worship of all religions, including Christianity, Judaism and Islam.

The exception: Americans with evangelical Christian beliefs, according to LifeWay Research’s 2016 State of American Theology Study. Only 48 percent of evangelicals share the belief God accepts all worship.

The study comes in the same year that Larycia Hawkins — Wheaton College’s first black, female professor to receive tenure — parted ways with the evangelical flagship school after she posted on Facebook that both Christians and Muslims worship the “same God.” The controversy stirred fresh debate among evangelicals about whether all religions worship the same God, and whether God accepts the worship of all religions.

That’s not the only theological question on which evangelicals part ways with the rest of America, according to the study.

And the study also suggests Americans as a whole hold seemingly incompatible beliefs: Seven in 10 Americans said there’s only one true God — expressed as the Christian Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the survey found.

And nearly two-thirds of Americans said Jesus is God, it said. But then, more than half said Jesus was a creature created by God.

Other notable beliefs shared by Americans:

 Most believe in the power of prayer. Two-thirds (66 percent) said God continues to answer specific prayers. Evangelicals were most likely (94 percent) to agree.
Most also see the best in others: 65 percent agreed “everyone sins a little, but most people are good by nature.” Evangelicals were less likely (54 percent) to agree.
Americans are split on whether the Bible is literally true. Nearly half of Americans (44 percent) answered “like all sacred writings, (it) contains helpful accounts of ancient myths but is not literally true,” while about the same number (45 percent) disagreed. Evangelicals were less likely (17 percent) to agree the Bible contained helpful myths and most likely (95 percent) to say it is “100 percent accurate in all it teaches.”
Forty-four percent of Americans agreed modern science discredits the claims of Christianity, while 40 percent disagreed.
Less than half of Americans (40 percent) believe hell is an “eternal place of judgment where God sends all people who do not personally trust in Jesus Christ.” Evangelicals were more likely (84 percent) to believe in hell as a place of judgment.
Americans also disagree about issues of homosexuality, gender and abortion. About the same number of Americans said Bible verses that seem to condemn homosexual behavior do (44 percent) and don’t (42 percent) apply today. That gap widens when it comes to gender identity: 38 percent agreed it is “a matter of choice,” while half disagree. On abortion: 49 percent of Americans said it is a sin, while 40 percent said it is not.


After reading this article it sheds some new light on the question Jesus asked;

Luke 18:8
I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?”

If Jesus returned to earth today and asked Americans whether they believed His claim that HE was the ONLY way to the Father....clearly 2/3 would disagree with him.


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