
Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Israeli Leader Supports Bannon

The liberals were already going crazy yesterday when they learned that Trump was going to name Bannon as his Chief of Staff.  They are saying all sorts of nasty things about him.

I don't personally know the man, but I know he runs news service which has been a conservative source for news.

I also know that he sounds like a friend of Israel....which most likely means he would be a friend of lots of my readers.

Dear Stephen Bannon,

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on the amazing election results for President-Elect Donald Trump and the United States of America. I would also like congratulate you personally on being appointed as Chief Strategist.

We know that you are a strong supporter of Israel and a true friend to the Jewish people and we look forward to your leadership in the White House.

It saddened me to hear about the uncalled for smear campaign against you by political opponents who refuse to accept the reality of losing a fair and democratic election. I am pleased that we in the Shomron, were first to openly support Donald Trump’s campaign and also opened a campaign headquarters here.

I, as leader of the second largest group with-in Israel’s Likud party central committee and Chairman of the Shomron Regional Council, am glad that after 8 hard years we now have decent minded people like yourself, coming to power in Washington DC.

Again, I would like to send my sincerest wishes to you and the American people. Please consider me a friend and resource for all of your Israel related interaction, and I look forward to meeting with you soon.

Blessing from the people and Land of Israel,

Yossi Dagan
Shomron Regional Council

This might offer us a clue as to why the liberals who don't really care for Israel are SO AGAINST Bannon having access to the White House.

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