
Thursday, November 10, 2016

White Women Vote Trump

It's hard to believe, but more white women voted for Donald Trump than for Hillary!  Also 1 in 4 Latina women voted for him!

Wait!  The media kept telling us that women were appalled at Trump....especially Latina women.

Wrong.  Wrong.  Wrong.

One might think Donald Trump's sexist and vulgar statements would sway female voters away from the candidate. But roughly 53% of white women voted for Trump on Tuesday, CNN reported. 

White women turned out for Trump far more than other minority women. Around 4% of black women and 26% of Latina women voted for the Republican candidate, CNN's exit polls revealed.

It appears that many women weren't concerned with Trump's comments about women. The official "Women for Trump" website doesn't overlook it — the site, which is not officially affiliated with or supported by the Trump campaign, acknowledge's Trump's sexist comments and rationalizes they make him authentic. 

"That's because he's not working off a TelePrompTer or a script fine tuned by a consultant and focus groups," the Women for Trump site stated. "We look at his actions, not his words."

Other women brushed off the candidates comments and didn't seem to mind that Trump has talked about assaulting women without their consent. 

"Groping is a healthy thing to do. When you're heterosexual, you grope, okay? It's a good thing," Jane Biddick, a female Trump supporter, told New York Magazine. 

And of course, women likely voted for Trump for the same reasons as men. His criticism of immigrants is comforting to some Republicans and may have given him an edge when it came to Republican-leaning women, the Washington Post reported in April 2016. Trump's rhetoric of taking back the country appealed to women in the Tea Party.

Well, the Democrats, CNN, ABC, NBC, etc...will have 4 years to digest how they could have been so wrong!

I had one friend call on Wednesday who told me his 80 year old, retired teacher, mother had voted for Trump!  As a teacher she had voted Democrat her whole life...but now chose Trump.  She told him the reason was that she was concerned that the Democrats simply don't understand the threats of immigration and bringing in un-vetted people from Muslim nations.

So there was ONE VOTE for Trump that the pollsters would have NEVER imagined....and there were millions more.

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