
Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Germany's Merkel Calls for Ban on Islamic Face Veils

Uh-oh....the liberals are not going to be happy when they see this....

ESSEN, Germany — To loud applause, Chancellor Angela Merkel told her party members on Tuesday that Germany should ban full-face veils “wherever legally possible” and that it would not tolerate any application of Shariah law over German justice.

Accepting her party’s nomination as their candidate for another four-year term, the chancellor used the moment to broaden her stance on banning the veil, trying to deflect challenges from far-right forces that have made some of their deepest gains since World War II.

The far right has advanced by appealing to anti-immigrant sentiment in the year since Ms. Merkel welcomed nearly one million asylum seekers, the majority from Muslim countries — often at the expense of her mainstream conservative party at the polls.

In a clear nod to criticism that the state had appeared to lose control over its borders, the chancellor opened her 80-minute speech to the annual conference of her Christian Democratic Union with a promise that such a situation “cannot, may not and should not be repeated.”

But the biggest applause lines concerned law and order, including a promise that Shariah law would never replace German justice — a problem that has barely arisen but has been cast as a specter by the far-right party Alternative for Germany.

The loudest cheers came for her line on Shariah, followed by her statements on face coverings. “Here we say, ‘Show your face,’” Ms. Merkel told the party. “So full veiling is not appropriate here. It should be prohibited wherever legally possible.”

She did not say what circumstances that included. But the language seemed more expansive than she had previously used.


The liberals who keep pointing at Europe as the best place for tolerance are going to be really upset by what they will call "Islamophobia" being discussed in Germany.

It's really simply folks....if you truly want to be a practicing, fundamentalist, Muslim...there are a few dozen nations that are ruled by Islam where you can openly practice your faith.  If you are dead set on wearing a burqa and you expect to hear the MUSLIM CALL TO PRAYER five times per day and expect to see a mosque on every definitely should consider moving to one of those Muslim nations.

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