
Thursday, December 1, 2016

Islam Founded By Demonic Possession?

Our Bible study is reading a book, SEEKING ALLAH, FINDING JESUS.  It is common knowledge that Muhammad was contacted in a cave by an angel.  However, we had not heard the details of this encounter until we read this in the book.

“Instead of recounting that the angel simply asked Muhammad to recite, Muhammad reports that “the angel caught me forcefully and pressed me so hard that I could not bear it anymore.” Each time the angel asked Muhammad to recite, the angel “pressed” Muhammad so hard that he could not bear the pressure. After his encounters with the angel, Muhammad returned to his wife terrified, his “heart beating severely.” After this, the angel did not come back for a while and “the divine inspiration paused.”
This was not the picture of Muhammad I had come to know. It was raw, far less flattering. Here was an unfiltered, or at least a less-filtered, version of Muhammad. What’s more, there was a cross-reference to another hadith in Sahih Bukhari that elaborated even further: 9.111. I retrieved volume nine from Abba’s bookcase, found hadith 111, and read through it.
In an instant, the hadith shattered my illusion of familiarity with Muhammad. It said that when he saw Gabriel, his “neck muscles twitched in terror,” and when Gabriel had gone for a while, the Prophet became so depressed “that he intended several times to throw himself from the tops of high mountains[…]”

“In an instant, the hadith shattered my illusion of familiarity with Muhammad. It said that when he saw Gabriel, his “neck muscles twitched in terror,” and when Gabriel had gone for a while, the Prophet became so depressed “that he intended several times to throw himself from the tops of high mountains and every time he went up the top of a mountain in order to throw himself down, Gabriel would appear before him and say, ‘O Muhammad! You are indeed Allah’s Apostle in truth,”

Excerpt From: Qureshi, Nabeel. “Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus.” Zondervan, 2014-02-01. iBooks.
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So upon further examination it appears that Muhammad had a demonic spirit that was pressing him so hard that he was terrified....and once the torment stopped, Muhammad was so depressed he became suicidal.

Sounds like a classic run-in with a Satanic force.....

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