
Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Ohio State Muslim Terrorist Was Hearing Voices

It's the voices again....

How many times do we hear from a mother or father who just killed their kids...."The voices told me to do it!"

Or how about the dude who just randomly went into a house and killed a husband and wife he didn't know, because "The voices told me to do it."

We have been watching for these Satanic voices to increase as we near the End of the Age, and today we find out the Ohio State Muslim Extremist who drove his car into a crowd and then hacked at students with a butcher knife....was reportedly hearing voices.

Artan told the OSU student newspaper The Lantern at the start of the school year that he was concerned about potential reactions to praying in public. "I'm a Muslim, it's not what the media portrays me to be," he said. Neighbors described him as friendly.

Cornell's attorneys say he was lonely and depressed, immature and had mental issues that might have caused him to distort reality.

Abdulkader's defense said he was thoughtful, but quiet and shy, with a limited network of social influences.

Daniels' mother said her son was hearing voices and told her that co-workers were calling him the devil in Arabic, according to the court filings. His attorneys are seeking court-approved mental health counseling and treatment.


Of course the world will say that anyone hearing voices needs some drugs and a psychiatrist because most likely he is schizophrenic.

Of course Bible readers will wonder if these people have been given over to Satan because of various activities they have participated in.....and now the Prince of this World is now tormenting them with voices demanding they do Satanically inspired things?

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