
Monday, January 30, 2017

Are Humans the Real Ancient Aliens?

The Bible says that humans are special because we are created in God's image.  Also, Jesus, the Creator of heaven and earth, chose to take on human flesh to defeat the devil.  So yes, we are a special creation.

But of course the world wants you to think otherwise.  That's one big reason they push the evolution crap on us and start in public schools with it when we are really young.  If they can convince us that we aren't special, that we weren't Created by anyone and that there is really no higher purpose in life....they will have us 9/10ths of the way down the road to godlessness and atheism.

How special are we? A recent research paper suggests that terrestrial-style biology may be rare, and Earth may be among the first examples of a planet able to sustain life in the cosmos. Even as the new kids on the block, humans are seemingly one of the precious few instances of intelligence to arise in the universe since the Big Bang did its thing.

Harvard Astronomer Avi Loeb and his colleagues in the U.K. have argued that the halcyon days for life are still to come. It's not even morning in the universe; it's pre-dawn. Biology may erupt like weeds on an untold number of worlds, but if so, the infestation will take place tens of billions of years in the future.

Why's that? And what's wrong with life sprouting up today?

Obviously nothing. After all, you're reading this — you, the distant descendant of a small collection of molecules that stumbled on a method for building nearly exact replicas of itself nearly four billion years ago. No scientist is yet sure if this molecular sleight-of-hand is just some sort of highly unlikely event, although opinions abound.

The new argument that primetime for an inhabited universe is still to come springs from astronomy, not biology. Loeb et al.'s proposition begins with the belief that life requires a few essential ingredients: a world that's amenable to easy chemistry, including liquid water, thick atmosphere — you know the drill. As best we can tell, there's no shortage of such Goldilocks orbs — there may be tens of billions of Earth-like planets in our galaxy, and that's not even counting habitable moons.

Loeb argues that, looking back on creation ten trillion years from now when the curtain is falling on the universe-as-we-know-it, you'd have to say that the overwhelming majority of life arose around red dwarf stars - and on average, trillions of years after Earth was over and done.

So among inhabited planets it sounds as if Earth beat the rush. From the standpoint of future cosmic civilizations, we are the ancient aliens.

But is that so remarkable? Maybe not. Consider being a citizen of Rome during its Empire. There were about 200 million people in the world then. If you were particularly insightful, it might occur to you that the future human population could be much greater — indeed, there's now 35 times as many people as strolled the world at the time of Jesus.

So that would make Romans special, right? There was a far greater probability that they'd be born after the Renaissance then in the time of the Caesars.

However, while interesting, that's not to say the Romans were by any means the first humans or even the first to be somewhat civilized. There were 10,000 generations of Homo sapiens before them, and neither they nor the Romans would appreciate being dismissed by the claim that "the best was yet to come."

Do you see how different this author's worldview is from ours?  We think that humans were created about 6000 years ago and that Jesus could come for us any day now!  While they think there were 10,000 generations of Homo sapiens that happened before us.

Clearly, the person writing this article has ZERO belief that Jesus created the heavens, earth and all life...including the first male and female, Adam and Eve.

Clearly there is a battle for your mind and it has eternal consequence.  So what do you believe?  Were Adam and Eve created, did they sin and now their sin nature was passed down to you and you are in desperate need of a savior?....OR.....did you evolve from chimps 10,000 generations ago, and since chimps don't sin, neither do you, so you DON'T need any fable involving the god-man Jesus, and you are free to pollute yourself with anything or anyone that you want....because when you die you will just cease to exist...just like the monkeys before you?

And which one do you think they are teaching our kids at Public school?

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