
Thursday, January 19, 2017

Garrison Keillor Gives Up on Christianity

I'm going to guess that MOST of my readers in the Midwest know who Garrison Keillor is.  For those of you who don't, he is a liberal darling and star of a PBS radio show called Prairie Home Companion.  He graduated high school from Anoka, MN and has a wonderful way of telling stories about funny things Minnesotans in small towns actually do.

According to this article a reader sent me today, Garrison says he is giving up on Christianity....because Christians should have known better than to vote for Trump.

Long-time public radio celebrity Garrison Keillor, who fancies himself a satirist of the highest order, has decided that because Donald Trump was elected and Christians should have known better, Keillor is giving up Christianity.

Writing in The Washington Post, the distraught Keillor commences his bewailing with what he feels is an accurate description of the president-elect:
Boy President heads for Washington to be sworn into office, pumping his fist, mooning the media, giving the stinky finger to whomever irks him, doing his end-zone dance, promising to build the wall, cut taxes, create jobs, provide great health insurance for EVERYONE and send his son-in-law to the Middle East to solve that little problem . . .

Then he laments:

So I’ve been shopping around for a new religion to see me through the next four years. Too many of my fellow Christians voted for selfishness and for degradation of the beautiful world God created. I guess they figured that by the time the planet was a smoky wasteland, they’d be nice and comfy in heaven, so wotthehell. Anyhow, I’m looking around for other options.

Gee, Garrison, it’s not as though Christians are forcing you to stay. It’s not as though those gun-totin’ – oops, sorry, didn’t mean to mention guns.

Keillor continues that “Buddhism involves way too much sitting still for my taste . . .  Hinduism includes sacred cows, and my experience with cattle makes it impossible for me to revere them."

Then he equates Judaism with Islam, writing, as any contrite former Christian would: “Islam is great and so is Judaism but they’re so complicated! You can’t just walk into a temple and listen to a holy person and burst into tears and throw yourself down on the floor, as you can with Christianity, and say, ‘I believe!’ and get dunked in water and, shazam, you’re in.”

Yup, that Christianity sure is a durned easy way to the Good Life Upstairs, requiring nothing but a simple statement of faith. It’s kind of odd that Christians revere the Ten Commandments, though.

With what does Keillor choose to comfort himself? “Confucianism, accepting the sacredness of confusion. Life is messy and it always has been.”

Of course, Confucius also said, "Nine things there are of which the superior man should be mindful: to be clear in vision, quick in hearing, genial in expression, respectful in demeanor, true in word, serious in duty, inquiring in doubt, firmly self-controlled in anger, just and fair when the way to success opens out before him."

The geniality of expression, respectfulness in demeanor, and self-control in anger somehow were missing from Keillor’s initial diatribe tarteting Trump.

Perhaps it’s because Keillor is not a superior man. 

Perhaps he should be a better Christian, or at least, be better off as a Christian.

Here; you notice the MOCKING TONE Keillor dispenses?  Throw yourself on the floor, get dunked in water and you are into heaven?

The sad thing is...many liberals/atheists/pew-sitters actually believe that God can be "dealt with" by simply choosing a religion....ANY religion!  It's like shopping for cars.  A Chevy, a Buick, a Toyota or a Lexus...they are all good cars and they will all get you to where you are going so just pick one that agrees with you the most!

Keillor is also the epitome of what it means to be "liberal-elite"...."If only you were as educated, witty, well-read and intelligent as I am...then you would have NEVER voted for Trump!  The same thing goes for global-warming, evolution, gay-marriage, abortion and universal health care."

Ish. God continues to frustrate and confuse the self-proclaimed "intelligent" men.

We can keep praying for these lost souls and keep thinking about how we will always be ready with an answer for the hope we have in Christ when confronted by non-believers....because they are all around us.

One day these mockers will be dealt with...and what a terrible day it will be for them.

Galatians 6:7
7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.

We confirm with what our reader who sent this article says, "Also… if anything causes you to be “through with Christianity”, well you were never a real Christian in the first place."

Hat tip to Brad

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