
Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Human Woman Claims She is Actually a Cat

God created humans as male and female.  That's it.

But what if some woman claims to actually be a man?  Well then the world agrees with her and calls her TRANSGENDER.

But what if some woman claims to actually be a cat?  Well then the world agrees with her and calls her TRANS-SPECIES.

It's a thing's all the rage.  And please, please, please don't you doubt her story for a single second or you will be called a SPECIES-PHOBE and an intolerant, judgmental hater!

Watch this cat-woman from Norway here;

I wonder if Target is going to provide her a litter box in the ladies room?  I know for a fact that my cats don't like to poop when you are looking at them.

Also please notice that 55 seconds into the video she is asked, "Were you born this way?"  And what do you suppose the cat-woman answers??


Yep!  All humans were born as perverted, selfish toads!  ALL HAVE SINNED!  That's why Jesus said we need to be born again.  We were born first in our bodies as Children of the Devil....and once we ask Christ to save us we are born again as Children of the Light.

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