
Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Jerusalem Mayor Says He is in Talks With Trump About Embassy Move

Here is a good question to ponder....What if God ordained Donald Trump as President to get the world even MORE focused on Jerusalem than it already is?

Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat said Monday he has held talks with American officials about moving the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, a day after a White House official said discussions of the controversial transfer were only in their early stages.

Barkat, who has hailed Trump for committing to move the embassy to Jerusalem, a move long sought by Israeli officials, said he believes the administration intends to follow through on its promises.

“From the conversations I’ve had with US government officials, I know they are serious in their intentions [to move the embassy],” Barkat told Army Radio.

He said the Americans owned a number of a properties in Jerusalem they could use to house the embassy.

“I definitely don’t think they will move the embassy in a day,” he acknowledged, though.

On Sunday, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said talks had begun on moving the embassy, but seemed to indicate an actual move could be a long time away.

“We are at the very beginning stages of even discussing this subject,” Spicer said in a statement.


IF this move happens or even if it continues to be talked about...the nations are going to have a hissy fit!

“I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that sends all the surrounding peoples reeling.

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