
Wednesday, February 8, 2017

How Can a Dinosaur Bone Still be Found with Soft Flesh in it?

We all know that the evolutionists out there NEED to have millions and billions of years in order for their theory to work.  We also know they are involved in circular reasoning.  For instance, they find a fossil in a rock and say, "This fossil is 195 million years old."  If you ask them how they know that they will say, "Because it was found in a 195 million year old rock!"  If you ask them how they know the rock is 195 million years old they will tell you, "Because we found a 195 million year old fossil in it!"

Got it.

So one of the amazing things that has been happening recently is that scientists have found soft tissue in dinosaur bones.  To most of us this would be evidence that the dinosaur couldn't possibly be millions of years old because soft tissue would all be evaporated.

But instead of considering that common sense fact....notice what happens.  Also notice that this article is in Christian Science Monitor.

Fossils can be so much more than dried out, mineralized bones. Researchers have found entire creatures exquisitely preserved in amber, dinosaur eggshells, and even the fossilized structure of a 515-million-year-old animal's nervous system.

But soft tissue has largely eluded scientists. Research over the last decade has suggested that proteins may be preserved in some fossils, which could revolutionize paleontology. But the only candidates came from the very end of the age of the dinosaurs, about 70 million years ago. 

Now, a new study may be resetting that timescale, and further opening the door to a new, molecular, approach to paleontology.

Paleontologists say they've found collagen, a protein found throughout all animal bodies, preserved in the 195-million-year-old fossilized bone of a sauropodomorph dinosaur, Lufengosaurus.

And, as "collagen is a basic building block for organisms," says Robert Reisz, an author on the paper and a paleontologist at the University of Toronto Mississauga, finding ancient proteins could shine a new light on old bones.

Schweitzer's own work has revealed preserved organic material in dinosaur fossils, and has been the subject of much scrutiny by other paleontologists. Her team has reported the discovery of blood cells and soft tissue preserved in dinosaur fossils. Their most recent finding, collagen in an 80-million-year-old dinosaur bone, was published last week in the Journal of Proteome Research. 

Dr. Brusatte sees Reisz's work as key support for Schweitzer's controversial research. Taken together, he says, this kind of research "tells us that soft tissues and microscopic tissues may be able to be preserved for a huge swath of time – hundreds of millions of years."
And, Brusatte adds, "If we can find these in lots of dinosaurs, we can perhaps use them to build better family trees of dinosaurs, and also to better understand the physiology and metabolism of dinosaurs." In other words, zooming in to examine fossils on the molecular level could shift how paleontologists see their enormous subjects.

So the circular reasoning continues.  Rather than wondering if it is possible that the soft tissue present might mean the dinosaurs actually might only be thousands of years old, the scientists say, "Well, since we already know this dinosaur is 195 million years old, mother nature must have some way of preserving soft tissue for 195 million years!"

Something else to ponder.....I have some old venison steaks in my freezer and they didn't last 5 years before shriveling to black.  Common sense tells you that soft tissue can't last in a bone for 1000 years times 1000 years and take that all times 195.  Common sense tells you that the dinosaur bone found is a whole lot younger than the evolutionists insist.

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