
Monday, February 6, 2017

Nations That Ban Israelis

Of course the liberal world has been coming apart ever since Team Trump announced a temporary ban on certain citizens from seven countries coming into America.  Even though the order never had the word "Muslim" on it, the seven nations have Muslim the media was quick to pounce on this and announce it as "Trump's ban on Muslims!"

But wow....check out how many Muslim majority countries actually BAN ISRAELI CITIZENS from coming into their countries.

Trump Travel Ban Exposes Hypocrisy Of Muslim Nations That Ban Israeli Passports

The ongoing global debate over US President Donald Trump s controversial travel ban executive order has drawn online attention to discrimination displayed by some Muslim-majority countries against Israeli passport holders.

A total of 16 nations around the world prohibit entry to Israeli citizens. And as some commentators have pointed out, this group includes six of the seven countries targeted by Trump s action.

Photos showing the list of 16 nations   including Algeria, Bangladesh, Brunei, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Oman, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, United Arab Emirates and Yemen have gone viral on Facebook.

At a session of the British Parliament on Monday, UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson was asked about the treatment of Israelis by these countries.

I think it s right that the House of Commons should be aware of that discrimination, of that ban that already exists, Johnson said.

I know the media has been sending their cameras to airports in the USA to document the families who were disrupted by the "Trump ban"....but wondering if they have any plans on going to the airports in any of these 16 nations and asking questions like, "Do you feel its right to ban Christians from bringing their Bibles into your country when they arrive here on business?"....or...."Do you think the world should hold your nation accountable for the fact that you don't let Jews or anyone with an Israeli passport freely come to your country?"

Don't hold your breath.  When it comes to bleeding hearts, the liberals seem to illogically make them bleed especially hard for Muslims.

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