
Thursday, February 2, 2017

The Left's War on Reality

Good is evil, evil is good.  Up is down and down is up. The "smart" people in society will actually become blind.

Today we see evidence all around us that that is exactly what is happening.  College kids can't even tell us what men and women actually are because they are so confused by what their progressive professors have been stuffing into their ignorant little heads...and they won't allow any other voices of reason to step foot on campus!

The word gaslighting has been popularized in psychology to describe a form of mental and emotional abuse in which a domineering person denies and contradicts the memories and perceptions of an intended victim until the victim begins to doubt his or her perception of reality. The word comes from the 1944 mystery film Gaslight, in which a woman’s husband tries to convince her that she is losing her mind and that the things she is experiencing – such as the gaslights in the house flickering and dimming – are not real. Only when an inspector from Scotland Yard also notices the gaslights flickering does she realize that she is not losing her mind and that her husband has a devious agenda.

Because it presents a false picture of reality, two elements are especially important for gaslighting to succeed. First, those doing the gaslighting must display confidence and audacity in pushing their view of reality and must persevere boldly in the face of evidence that contradicts their claim. Second, the target must be psychologically isolated and denied validation by others who see the same reality. The left’s dominance in the cultural institutions of education, news, and entertainment has given them both elements.

Consider the video by the Family Policy Institute of Washington in which Seattle University students were asked if there’s a difference between men and women. Instead of answering, “You’re kidding me, right?” these students actually took the interviewer’s question seriously and, even worse, they struggled to answer it. Some went so far as to parrot the far left’s narrative that the distinction between male and female is merely a social construct imposed on people by society and that it has no real significance otherwise.

Has news about who has the babies not reached Seattle? Or have those students been so browbeaten by the gaslighting of their leftist professors and the leftist culture on campus that they are hesitant to admit publicly to what their own eyes, their own bodies, and their common sense tell them?

That is the power of gaslighting, and the left’s institutions have been audacious in using it against those who question their agenda.

In the left’s alternate reality, the police are threats to law and order and rioters are victims of the system. Mainstream Americans who supported Trump are ridiculed as “anti-immigrant” even though we made an immigrant our next First Lady. The belief that refugees should be carefully vetted in order to keep more terrorists from exploiting our generosity is attacked as “xenophobic.” And leftists casually use both “homophobic” and “Islamophobic” to attack their opponents without even a moment’s reflection on Islam’s position on homosexuality.

After all, in gaslighting, it is the effect of words on the intended target that counts and not the truthfulness or logical consistency of those words. If the target is isolated, demoralized, and fearful of opposing the left’s agenda, the tactic has worked.

One of the reasons for Trump’s Electoral College landslide was that he validated what tens of millions of Americans had been thinking in spite of the gaslighting efforts of the left. The light of liberty has indeed been flickering. We weren’t just imagining things. The political elite really did have an agenda other than promoting the interests of the American people. We weren’t crazy.

With their power threatened, the left’s gaslighting has passed audacious and become desperate. A man who has never held elective office just trounced the Clinton machine and their echo chamber in the media. And what does the left tell us? The Russians did it.

Get ready for more.


It would certainly appear that the lost world is being prepared for some type of powerful delusion....and it might not take too much effort to make them believe it.

2 Thess. 2:11
For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie

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