
Monday, February 20, 2017

Virus Could Kill Millions

The Bible says there will be pestilence in the Last Days.

Today we find Bill Gates making a horrendous prediction.

Microsoft founder Bill Gates has told world leaders to prepare for the worst, with a genetically engineered virus on the way which could wipe out large swathes of the population – yet there is no preparation for it, he added.
The billionaire businessman-turned-philanthropist told an audience at the Munich Security Conference that “the next epidemic has a good chance of originating on a computer screen,” implying that terrorists are turning to modern technology to impose danger on the world.
An outbreak is on the horizon, he warned, and urged the powers that be around the globe “to prepare for these epidemics the same way we prepare for war.”
His co-panellist, Erna Solberg, the prime minister of Norway, agreed with Mr Gates reckoning, saying: “Disease and violence are killing fewer people than ever before, but it's spreading more quickly.

It's difficult to post from my iPad and will be on it for next few days so I will most likely be a little less verbose than usual.

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